המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


2024 Archived Newsletters

1/5/24 Parsha Shemot - Does Your Name Personify Good or Evil?

2023 Archived Newsletters

12/29/23 Parsha Vayechi - Jacob Lived On, So Must We
12/22/23 Follow Joseph's Example in Parsha Vayigash
12/15/23 Asenath, a Success Story in Torah Portion Miketz
12/9/23 Joseph, Judah, and Jewish Generational Integrity
12/1/23 Rachel's Travail in Parsha Vayishlach
11/17/23 Defending Innocent Human Life with Moral Clarity and Integrity
11/12/23 Spiritual Solutions to Worldly Problems
11/3/23 Violence in the Middle East and in the Womb
10/27/23 Every Life is Precious, Sacred, and Miraculous
10/22/23 Reflections on Noach, War and Peace, Life and Death
10/6/23 Dancing For Joy or Dancing to our Death
9/29/23 Abortion Tornado Brewing in Ohio
9/24/23 21st-century Neo-Paganism is Worse than the Original
9/22/23 Argentina and Rome Speak Out Against Child Slaughter
9/13/23 A Sweet and Torah Inspired New Year!
9/8/23 Fundamentals of Life Giving Torah in This Weeks's Parsha
6/9/23 Abortion's Long Term Negative Effect On Men
5/30/23 YU College of Medicine Trains Abortionists
5/21/23 Passing of my husband, Thomas,. May his memory be a blessing
5/12/23 Abortion Feminism Gaining Acceptance Among Orthodox Women
5/02/23 Defenders of Unborn Life: Rabbi Isaac Herzog, Rabbi Avigdor Miller
4/24/23 Barbara from Harlem Guests on our R & B Show
4/21/23 Elevating Minds and Hearts with Pro-Life Education
4/14/23 NCJW Loses in Florida, Babies Win
4/12/23 Spring into Jewish Action Defending Unborn Babies
4/4/23 The Unseen Child Can Learn to Love the Mah Neshtana
3/24/23 Lincoln Dinner Highlights and News From Around the Nation and Israel
3/20/23 Orthodox Jewish Leaders Ought to Defend Unborn Babies in Public
3/15/23 Our First Fundraiser as a Public Charity
3/5/23 Happy Purim. Introducing a modern day Esther, Ayala @prolifejewess
3/3/23 JPLF at the AZ March for Life, State by State Education 

2022 Archived Newsletters

1/9/22 High Alert! Stop NJ Pharaoh's Baby Killing Bill
1/14/22 Moloch Wins in NJ But Life Will Ultimately Prevail
1/19/22 Alert! Demand YU President Berman Cancel Abortion Rights Event
1/28/22 When Two Men Fight and One of Them Pushes A Pregnant Woman......
2/4/22 Every Abortion Stops a Beating Heart
3/10/22 Jewish & Regret Your Abortion? Register For Our Healing Event 3/20/22
3/14/22 Queen Esther Risked All to Save Her People. Will You?
3/24/22 ALERT! Tell CT Legislators NO to SJR 30 Abortion RIghts
3/28/22 Jewish Pro-Life Education at the State Level
4/14/22 Legal Infanticide in DC Shows We're Still in Bondage
4/22/22 Every Life Counts, Counting the Omer, Counting on HaShem
5/6/22 No Difference Between 99+% of Abortions And The Ovens Of Auschwitz
5/11/22 The Jewish Rally for Abortion Justice 5/17/22 Washington DC
5/23/22 JPLF Educates About Pro-Life at the NCJW Jewish Abortion Rights Rally in DC
5/29/22 Shun Evil and Do Good, Seek Peace and Pursue It
6/10/22 How to Make Satan Smile? Say That Abortion is a Religious Right!
6/15/22 Congregation L’Dor Va-Dor Sues Florida to Stop 15 Week Abortion Ban
6/20/22 Whose Voice Will We Hear on Dobbs Decision Day?
7/1/22 Truth Floats Like Oil Over Water
7/12/22 Israel Pro-Life Education Project
8/1/22 Commit your way to the Lord, and trust in Him and He will act
8/21/22 More Jewish Voices Speaking Out for the Unborn!
9/7/22 Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil
9/9/22 ALERT: NCJW Shofar Protest for Abortion Access Week of Action
9/21/22 Made In God's Image - A Jewish Defense of Human Life in the Womb
10/9/22 Never Be Afraid To Trust An Unknown Future To A Known God
10/28/22 Pro-Life Judaism - A Spark in the Darkness
11/18/22 Prophetic Warnings in the Wind
12/1/22 Hadassah and NCJW Team Up to Kill Babies
12/12/22 Updates from the JPLF
12/16/22 Happy Chanukah from the JPLF
12/23//22 Killing Babies is Anti-Jewish, Saving Babies is not Anti-Semitic

2021 Archived Newsletters

1/1/21 Panel Discussion With Four Jewish Pro-Life Women!
1/4/21 In Shifra's Arms Presents a Night of Inspiration - 1/9/21!
1/11/21 Please Attend Our Virtual Jewish Pro-Life Rally 1/29/21
1/15/21 Virtual Rally For Life Update! 
4/8/21 Remember The 62 Million
4/18/21 Never Again Is Once Again With Chemical Abortion RU486
4/30/21 Our Survival Depends Upon Building A Culture of Life
5/6/21 Save the date! ROE V. WADE Movie Screening May 23, 2021
5/12/21 Celebrating Motherhood
5/14/21 Abortion doesn't take just ONE life.........
5/25/21 Killing Jews Has Been Legal For Decades
6/1/21 In Shifra's Arms Saving Lives In Los Angeles!
6/4/21 Spies Then and Now
6/14/21 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Urges Israelis To Have Additional Children
6/18/21 Abortion Hurts Men
6/25/21 We Fast to Mourn Children Destroyed in Abortion
7/2/21 LIFE is My Choice!
7/9/21 We're Going to the Supreme Court!
7/16/21 Each Precious Life Deserves the Dignity of Remembrance
7/26/21 Monthly Mishpacha Starts Sunday August 1, 2021
7/30/21 ‘Now choose life’: The Jewish case against abortion
8/9/21 Tell Jewish Spokesmen to Stop Defending Live Organ Harvesting on Babies at Pitt

2020 Archived Newsletters

1/7/20 Baby Born Alive and Left To Die - Nurse Goldstein Quits
4/7/20 Join Rabbi Nachman's Online Passover Services
4/14/20 Tune Into Jewish Pro-Life Live Stream 11 am Daily
4/17/20 Pro-Life Torah Shemini
4/24/20 Pro-Life Torah Tazria and Metzora
5/1/20 Pro-Life Torah Acharei and Kedoshim
5/6/20 Jewish Pro-Life Interview - A Broadcast. Special
5/8/20 Pro-Life Torah Emor
5/10/20 Healing on Mother's Day
5/13/20 Sing A Little Louder - A Short Video About Genocide and Conscience
5/15/20 Pro-Life Torah Behar and Bechukotai
5/22/20 Pro-Life Torah Bamidbar
5/26/28 Condemn Today's NCJW 'Abortion and Jewish Values' Webinar!
5/28/20 Pro-LIfe Torah Shavuot
6/27/20 Pro-LIfe Torah Korach
7/3/20 Pro-Life Torah Balak-Live Stream Shows
7/9/20 The Jewish Case Against Abortion Rights
7/10/20 Pro-Life Torah Pinchas, Live Stream Shows
7/17/20 Judaism Is Emphatically 'Pro-Life'. Live Stream Shows & Podcasts!
7/28/20 JPLF Response to NCJW
8/6/20 Jewish Medical Researchers Violate Torah Principles
8/19/20 Pro-Life Attorney Dr. Victor Rosenblum
8/21/20 For Rosh Chodesh - Dave & Atara Crown's Pro-Life Videos
8/22/20 In Shifra's Arms Jewish Pregnancy Care Facebook Event
8/28/20 No Jew Left Behind
9/4/20 From Death Culture To Life Affirming Judaism In The Month Of Elul
9/15/20 Happy New Year
9/25/20 The Wreckage Left Behind by Ruth Bader Ginsburg
10/6/20 Prayer Alert For Two Abortion Minded Jewish Women!
10/12/20 Watch Rabbi Menashe Bovit's Talk at Yale U Conference "Convergence on Life"
10/18/20 You're Invited to Attend a Showing of The Movie Unplanned
10/23/20 Save The Date! March For Life 1/29/21
10/30/20 Here's Why Jews Can Choose Life on Election Day
11/5/20 Please Tell JTA's Ron Kampeas That Judaism Is Definitely Pro-Life!
11/8/20 Do You Think Child Sacrifice is a Thing of the Past?
11/16/20 Amazing Micro Preemie Success Stories In Neonatal Intensive Care Units
11/20/20 November Is National Adoption Month!

2019 Archived Newsletters

1/5/19 Ditch The Jew Hating Women's March - Join The Jew Loving March For Life!
1/12/19 Jewish Meet & Greet at the March For Life
1/17/19 Stop NY State Repeal of Legal Protections for Live Babies Born During Abortion
1/18/19 Ben Shapiro At The March For Life - Terrific!
1/20/19 Sign The Petition To Stop NY State Back Alley Abortion Bill On Tuesday
1/26/19 A Miracle Jewish Adoption Story
1/28/19 Rabbis Say New York Abortion Bill "Declares War on Life"
2/2/19 Judaism's Pro-Life Stories
2/9/19 Why & How Jews Can Help Stop The Abortion Holocaust
2/16/19 Anti-Semitism + Abortion = Tragedy
2/23/19 Jewish Pro-Life Matters This Week
3/2/19 Vayakhel: Exodus 35:1-38:20 Pro-Life Commentary
3/9/19 Human Rights Abuses From Planned Parenthood to Theresienstadt
3/16/19 Rhode Island Rabbis Vigorously Support Extreme Abortion Bill
3/24/19 In Praise of People with Down's Syndrome
3/30/19 Shemini- Leviticus 9:1-11:47 Commentary
4/6/19 Rabbis Defending Life Video (5:35)
4/19/20 Passover Pondering
4/27/20 Abortion Holocaust with a Capital H
5/3/19 Parsha Acharei: Say YES To God & NO to Molech
5/11/19 For God's Sake, Be Holy & Choose Life!
5/18/19 Tikvat Rachel - A Jewish Post Abortion Healing Program
5/25/19 Jewish & Pro-Life? Oy Vey!!
6/1/19 Jewish & Pro-Life? Count Me In!
6/8/19 Local Woman Adds Jewish Pro-Life Voice to Abortion Debate
6/15/19 We're Tabling at TPUSA's Young Jewish Leadership Summit!
6/29/19 Young Jewish Leadership Summit Highlights
7/13/19 Got Bodies? Thoughts on Torah Portion Chukat
7/20/19 The Enemy Within: Parsha Balak
7/28/19 Fake Judaism in the News
8/18/19 Cherishing Life
8/25/19 Cecily and Rabbi Leiter Radio Interview on Life With Liz
9/8/19 Jewish Post Abortion Healing Now Available
9/17/19 Abortion's Reality Exposed
9/24/19 Livestream w/ Rabbi Shlomo Nachman This Thursday!
9/29/19 Happy New Year!
10/6/19 Our Video Interview / Rabbi Shlomo Nachman
10/14/19 Our Mission Continues in the New Year!
10/23/19 ALERT - Pittsburgh JCC To Host Planned Parenthood Fundraiser
11/3/19 Blessed Activities at the JPLF
11/10/19 Jewish Pro-Life Women Stories Wanted
11/17/19 Sub-Human or Parasite?
11/22/19 Adoption Saves Lives!
11/24/19 NOW Is Your Chance To Help A Jewish Women Reject Abortion
12/11/19 Ben Shapiro, "Real kids are being killed."
12/17/19 ALERT: Please Educate Jewish NY Assemblyman Harvey Epstein on Abortion Drugs
12/22/19 Happy Chanukah!
12/30/19 March For Life Jewish Activities

2018 Archived Newsletters

1/21/18 Our March for Life Experience
1/28/18 The View From Sinai - A Jewish Perspective on Abortion
2/4/18 ALERT - Rabbi Feinberg Blesses Opening Of Late Term Abortion Facility
2/17/18 We Suffer A Spiritual Death Each Time An Abortion Death Occurs
3/3/18 ALERT - Jewish Abortionist Attacks Girlfriend During Forced Abortion Attempt
3/17/18 Choosing Life is the Best Life Choice
3/31/18 Passover - A Celebration of Jewish Life!
4/5/18 ALERT Tampa JCC Hosts Planned Parenthood Fundraiser 4/10/18!
4/8/18 ALERT Baby Emma Needs A Jewish Home!
4/10/18 ALERT Rabbi Jon Adland Receives Planned Parenthood Award!
4/14/18 A Mention in Jewish Weekly's Article/ Jared, Ivanka, and the Abortion Question
5/5/18 A Mention in My Jewish Learning Article: Abortion and Judaism
5/26/18 The News-Gazette Opinion Piece Submission
6/16/18 The Loss of Jewish Fatherhood From Abortion
6/23/18 ALERT - Rabbi Dennis S. Ross Shills for Planned Parenthood
7/7/18 "Pro-Life Laws Make Me Want to Eat An Aborted Fetus"
7/21/18 Thinking of Leaving Judaism? We're a Reason to Stay!
8/4/18 The Millionaire Abortionist Merle Hoffman
8/13/18 Abortion and Universal Torah

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) 
Tax ID 26-1438181. 
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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