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50 Days to Torah; 50 Years to End Roe

50 Days to Torah; 50 Years to End Roe

Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Roe v Wade

As With The Exodus There Were Some Who Didn't Want To Leave What They Preferred As The Evils Of Egypt, But In The End They Were Just Left Behind.

What Does Counting 50 Days Of The Omer Between Passover And Shavuot Have To Do With Reducing Unnecessary Abortion?????

Our Ancient Sages Asked: Why Did Hashem Wait 50 Days After The Exodus Until The Jewish People Became Worthy To Receive The Torah At Mt. Sinai?

We Ourselves Might Also Ask A Very Similar Question As To Why It Has Taken Almost 50 Years To Reach The Point That America And Maybe Much Of The World Are Hopefully About To See A Very Great Reduction In The Number Of Unnecessary Abortions?

There May Be A Very Obvious Common Denominator Connecting The Answers To Both These Questions. 

Our Ancient Sages Concluded That The Depths Of The Immorality Of Egyptian Culture Which The Jewish People Were Exposed To When They Were Slaves In Egypt Was So Powerful That Even When They Became Free Of The Bad Influences Of Egyptian Slavery And The Evils Of Egyptian Culture, It Still Took Significant Time And Effort; One Small Character Improvement At A Time For Each Of 50 Days To Be More Precise, To Remove These Very Bad Influences Of Egyptian Slavery And The Twisted Evils Of Egyptian Culture From The Psyche Of The Jewish People, Until Hashem Decided That The Jewish People Were Spiritually Healed Enough To Be Ready And Worthy To Receive The Torah. 

Similarly, It May Be That It Also Has Taken The Majority Of The American People Almost 50 Years Since R v. W In 1973 To Shed Enough Of The Twisted Evils Of The Culture Of Death To Exit R v. W And Become Collectively Worthy To Enter A Whole New Era Of The ProLife Promised Land.

As With The Exodus There Were Some Who Didn't Want To Leave What They Preferred As The Evils Of Egypt, But In The End They Were Just Left Behind.

May The Moshiach Please Come Speedily In Our Days And Lead Us To A ProLife Promised Land...

Submitted by Kavshiel, The angel who conquers evil.

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