המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
✡︎ We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎
Friday, February 16, 2024 Abortion Child Abuse Abortion Anti-Semitism Abortion in Israel Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Jewish Torah
Jews in Israel now face the existential threat of a multi-front war, but a war has been waging against Israel's most vulnerable since 1977, when abortion was legalized.
Friday, November 17, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Abortion Anti-Semitism Abortion in Israel
When a Torah based constitution replaces the secular state, Israel will recognize the God given right to life of our most innocent and vulnerable family members and neighbors.
Tuesday, March 14, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Abortion Anti-Semitism Abortion in Israel
After decades of silence from observant Jews amidst relentless pro-abortion messaging in media and from pulpits and establishment Jewish organizations, the majority Jewish opinion is far removed from the normative Jewish legal position that destroying an innocent child in the womb is prohibited except in rare cases of imminent threats to the mother's physical life.
Thursday, March 9, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Abortion Child Abuse Abortion Anti-Semitism
Our traditions teach us to use our abundant resources to help vulnerable women and children flourish, to actively rescue those who are targeted for death, to respect life as made in the image of the Creator, to promote family, community, and posterity.
Thursday, December 22, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Abortion Child Abuse Abortion Anti-Semitism Pro-Life Torah
Rabbinic consensus in the Talmud interpreted "the blood of man within man” to be a growing human being in the womb of its mother. The penalty of having ‘his blood spilt’ is death by the hands of Heaven.
Monday, October 31, 2022 Abortion Anti-Semitism Abortion Child Abuse Abortion Pill Risk Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
No longer is it necessary to torture and destroy a human being in the womb to save a mother's life. Moreover, mothers and fathers do not want to bear a lifetime burden of guilt for allowing this inhumane act when life saving and ethical alternatives are available.
Thursday, August 11, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Abortion Anti-Semitism Pro-Life Torah Roe v Wade
The corruption of traditional Judaism – which includes the corruption of and by female "rabbis", and even publications such as AISH and the Jewish Telegraphic Organization – has led to a watering down of Jewish teaching on the importance of having children and has turned the idea of Jewish mothers making extraordinary sacrifices for their children, on its head.
Saturday, May 21, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Roe v Wade Abortion Anti-Semitism
The rarity of life threatening pregnancies and the abundant help available to women and families today reflects an entirely different reality. From what was suggested from the podium on Tuesday, more Jewish lives are at risk from abortion used as birth control than from Roe being overturned.
Monday, May 9, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Roe v Wade Abortion Anti-Semitism
We remind our readers, once again, that Judaism in no way sanctions child murder, and that Saving a life is the paramount value of Judaism.
Tuesday, March 15, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Foundation Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Abortion Child Abuse Abortion Anti-Semitism Abortion Sex Trafficking
Relying on medieval texts to justify murdering children before birth - and after birth as abortion advocates increasingly demand - ignores modern scientific proof that confirms the actual living human status of the unborn child. Would Ms. Salamon dismiss outright modern treatment for disease in favor of ancient prescriptions such as bloodletting? Of course not.
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Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.
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