המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


What is Abortion and Why Allowances Don't Help
Abortion is the intentional torturing of a baby to death in the womb. The procedure hurts women and devastates men. Chemical abortion, now 63% of all abortion, is frightening, painful, and sends more women to ERs than other methods. Abortion increases the danger to women who suffer from emotional and psychiatric problems. It has been used as a method of genocide against Jews and Jewish practice of abortion continues to eliminate Jews.
Peace Begins in the Womb
Jews in Israel now face the existential threat of a multi-front war, but a war has been waging against Israel's most vulnerable since 1977, when abortion was legalized.
Cultivate moral clarity and apply it in the midst of evil.
Malevolent assaults on innocent human life surround us daily. At the delicate stages of early life, thousands of babies suffer torture and death in the womb. Children who make it out to the womb alive face monumental psychological, spiritual and medical health challenges due to harmful federal and state health and human welfare policies promoted as safe, effective and conscientious.
Abortion War Casualties
It has become acceptable in almost all places in the world to apply the ultimate banishment to these human beings, death in the womb without pain medication by poisoning, starving, dismembering, and lethal injecting. Allowing born alive infants to die after delivery or keeping them alive for organ harvesting now completes the list of torture.
Warning to Ohio Vote NO on Issue 1. Your Life Depends on It!
God calls us to have such profound obedience to His will that we be willing to give up that which we hold most dear; however, He doesn't want us to sacrifice our children.
She is Waiting to be Born
Monday, June 26, 2023 Abortion Child Abuse
An ode to a baby in the womb whose mother entered the abortion clinic in Casper, Wyoming.
Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims
Our traditions teach us to use our abundant resources to help vulnerable women and children flourish, to actively rescue those who are targeted for death, to respect life as made in the image of the Creator, to promote family, community, and posterity.
Killing Babies is Anti-Jewish, Saving Babies is not Anti-Semitic
Rabbinic consensus in the Talmud interpreted "the blood of man within man” to be a growing human being in the womb of its mother. The penalty of having ‘his blood spilt’ is death by the hands of Heaven.
Prophetic Warnings in the Wind
Jewish abortion poses an existential threat to the heart and soul of Judaism.
Respected Leaders Please Respect Life
No longer is it necessary to torture and destroy a human being in the womb to save a mother's life. Moreover, mothers and fathers do not want to bear a lifetime burden of guilt for allowing this inhumane act when life saving and ethical alternatives are available.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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