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Abortion's Reality Exposed

Abortion's Reality Exposed

Just as the horrors of the Holocaust remained hidden, only fully understood when the camps were liberated and war crimes exposed, so the horrors of the abortion holocaust are trickling out now from several sources that warrant mentioning.

Last night I listened to a August 13, 2019 Rabbi Daniel Lapin Podcast entitled, Dealing With Death: Deny it? Defeat it? Transcend it? How to Build Your Own Culture of Life.  Rabbi Lapin responded to the recent mass shootings with his signature wisdom and sensitivity. He spoke of the psychological harm that occurs when humans see overwhelming evidence of death in our daily lives, how the reality of death alters human perceptions of life and death, and how the media uses scenes of carnage to influence public opinion. Here's a link to Rabbi Lapin's podcast webpage if you'd like to listen to this or his other podcasts. https://rabbidaniellapin.com/podcast/ 

As I listened, I thought of the 3,000+ unborn children legally slaughtered in America every day for the past 46 years  We rarely see the evidence of this genocide, the bodies in various stages of development disposed of behind a curtain of "privacy". Just as the horrors of the Holocaust remained hidden, only fully understood when the camps were liberated and war crimes exposed, so the horrors of the abortion holocaust are trickling out now from several sources that warrant mentioning.

Evidence of abortion industry value added profiteering by harvesting born alive babies for organ sales to medical research businesses was recently made public due to the outstanding work of brave journalists at the Center for Medical Progress currently being prosecuted by Planned Parenthood. http://www.centerformedicalprogress.org/.  

The knowledge that late second and third trimester aborted babies are kept alive to keep their highly priced active brains, beating hearts, livers, etc. for sale, has seriously damaged the abortion industry image as a legitimate women's health care provider. We can't observe the horrible specter of a screaming infant forcibly extracted from the uterus without pain medication being murdered in this way, nor would most of want to, but we can imagine it, especially when we hear testimony describing the practice. Read about the case at David Daleiden on Selling Aborted Baby Parts: They “Cut Open the Face to Harvest the Brain” https://www.lifenews.com/2019/09/17/david-daleiden-on-selling-aborted-baby-parts-they-cut-open-the-face-to-harvest-the-brain/and David Daleiden Investigated Planned Parenthood After Abortionist Drowned Twins Who Were Born Alivehttps://www.lifenews.com/2019/09/16/david-daleiden-investigated-planned-parenthood-after-abortionist-drowned-twins-who-were-born-alive/.

Last week's story of 2,246 baby remains discovered in the garage of an abortionist shatters the myth that abortion is merely a harmless medical procedure. Did the abortionist fail to dispose of these human bodies to save disposal costs, to hide evidence of illegality, or for some macabre, mentally twisted satisfaction?  Each of those tortured bodies proves beyond a doubt the reality of abortion as the exploitation of vulnerable, misinformed parents and the murder of innocent human beings for money. Read about the abortionist and the discovery at Abortionist Forced to Quit Doing Abortions at His Last Abortion Clinic After Breaking State Laws https://www.lifenews.com/2015/11/04/abortionist-forced-to-stop-abortions-at-last-indiana-abortion-biz-after-breaking-state-laws/ and Lawmakers Demand Investigation After Police Find Remains of 2,200 Aborted Babies in Abortionist’s Home https://www.lifenews.com/2019/09/16/lawmakers-demand-investigation-after-police-find-remains-of-2200-aborted-babies-in-abortionists-home/.

To close, I'm reminded of an article I read last year about an abortionist who cuts the larynx of babies so they can't scream out their pain and terror during the abortion. https://www.cnsnews.com/blog/michael-w-chapman/abortionist-i-cut-vocal-cord-so-baby-cant-scream. When we build our abortion holocaust museum to acknowledge and memorialize this immense tragic loss of life and unprecedented lapse of moral principle, we must be sure to recall how our children were dehumanized and victimized. We must restore their dignity and value in our collective memory. 

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

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