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An Introspection for the Fast of the Tenth of Teves, on Abortion in Israel

An Introspection for the Fast of the Tenth of Teves, on Abortion in Israel

....most Israeli policymakers - not being guided by Torah values - refuse to realize that whatever shortfalls in manpower they suffer are assiduously self-inflicted. The absence of the babies they've been mercilessly aborting for decades are now being felt, measure for measure.

In Israel, where perhaps over two million Jewish babies have been killed - not by Arab or Islamic terrorists - but by Israeli abortion perpetrators, there are monumental challenges to overcome.  Passing prolife legislation, as necessary as that is, may prove to be a short-term fix, until the next government decides to repeal it.

Perhaps the most durable, effective off-ramp of this ongoing kitrug (spiritual demerit) would be to secure leftwing support to end the anti-Torah policy of drafting women, and thereby reduce the abortion-on-demand that is common in the Army.

The fact is that many traditional girls, and many Torah-observant girls who lack political protexia, either don't qualify for the "religious exemption" from military service -- or are being increasingly denied their religious exemptions in recent years, respectively. If these girls would not be drafted at age 18, huge numbers of them would naturally marry and raise families. That would be a huge boon on so many fronts, spiritually, socially, and demographically.

Moreover, that's one positive policy shift that, if promulgated, may likely endure, regardless of regime change. Once the broader Israeli population experiences the wonderful taste of freedom from female conscription, it would be considerably harder to revert back. Even the leftwing Supreme Court may be reluctant to push too hard on this matter, once so many of their own people have had their senses somewhat restored to them on this issue.

See also https://daattorah.blogspot.com/2019/10/making-racism-great-again.html.

Of course, some will argue that the Israeli Army "needs everybody," including women. The truth is that what they "need" the women for has little to do with military readiness or effectiveness - but has much to do with promoting an anti-Torah, exploitive agenda, more congruent with human-trafficking than fighting wars.

In their unrelenting efforts to illustrate precisely how the sign of an idiot is indeed repetition of the same acts - while expecting different results - most Israeli policymakers - not being guided by Torah values - refuse to realize that whatever shortfalls in manpower they suffer are assiduously self-inflicted. The absence of the babies they've been mercilessly aborting for decades are now being felt, measure for measure, as Yirmiyahu exhorts:

תיסרך רעתך -- "[it is] your own evil deeds [that] shall afflict you."

Furthermore, if the Israeli Idiot Class would only have allowed all of those traditional girls from Aidot HaMizrach to get married young, rather than draft them into the Army as Miz'ron Tzahali (as the female recruits are known in internal IDF parlance) - they would have a significantly larger population (and stronger economy) by now.

It is their own wickedness burying them. Nevertheless, these intrepids persist in their refusal to learn, even in the midst of a seemingly never-ending, ever-mutating, multi-front war. Instead, they're occupying their time by scapegoating traditional Chareidim who refuse to send their 18-year-old boys (and, how much more so, girls) to risk their souls on the altar of a generally co-ed, LGBTQ-compatible, abortion-hawking, secularizing, girl-drafting military -- one that would put the Hellenists of old to shame.

So, what's our excuse for not calling them out on that?

Rabbi Noson Shmuel Leiter, based in Monsey NY, is the executive director of Help Rescue Our ChildrenHe is co-host of the renowned "Levin-At-Eleven" program of Rabbi Yehuda Levin, heard weekly on New Jersey's WSNR Radio 620AM, every Thursday evening, 11pm to midnight (ET). Rabbi Leiter can be reached torahjewsfordecency@gmail.com.

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