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Anti-Semitism & Abortion Support

Anti-Semitism & Abortion Support

If Jews want to slow the rise of anti-semitism, we can make a concerted effort to study, learn and adopt the pro-life point of view.

The recent assault on members of the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh was a heinous act of terror against defenseless, innocent human beings. This reminds us that anti-Semitism continues to be a real threat. Scapegoating Jews began centuries ago and is still practiced by individuals and groups who reject personal responsibility, embrace a victim mentality, and live in an insane psychology of raging retaliation for real or imagined injustices. 

Many factors operating today fuel hatred of Jews. The worn out accusations that Jews control money, media, law, and government continue unabated. Envy of Jewish achievement, intelligence, and influence contribute. Archaic religious prejudice remains a convenient excuse for vilifying us.

Jewish pro-abortion activity, advocacy and support are seldom recognized sources of Jew hatred; yet, these fuel a wildfire of anti-Semitism on the Internet. Jews are seen as Satanic worshippers who are overrepresented in the abortion industry. Jewish entities comprised half of the founding affiliates of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC).  A glance at abortiondocs.org shows more Jewish abortionists and clinic owners than any other ethnic or religious background. Our activities appear all over the web: Hillel Housessponsoring volunteer trainings for Planned Parenthood; Rabbis and Jewish community leaders receiving awards for fundraising efforts and advocacy for Planned Parenthood; Synagogues, temples, and community centers proudly hosting Planned Parenthood fundraisers and redefining abortion as a spiritual experience;  Jewish women working tirelessly to provide access to abortion for vulnerable women and teens, and Jewish organizations  and women's groups lobbying for abortion rights. Social media practices play a role, too. Facebook places little or no restriction on anti-Semitic speech or pro-abortion content, while routinely refusing to publish posts and ads sponsored by pro-life groups, including those of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation. 

Combating anti-Semitism is a priority for Jewish leadership. Out of the goodness of our hearts and to demonstrate our good citizenship, we contribute our gifts, talents, and resources to fund worthy social projects around the world. We open our hospitals and social service organizations to anyone in need. We lead the way in acceptance and tolerance of minorities, advocating equality for people of every color, sexual orientation, gender, religious background, and disability. We are on the forefront of the social justice battlefield wherever vulnerable people need help. We are Jews, after all.

Despite these meritorious acts of kindness and benevolence, anti-Semitic terror persists. In addition to taking reasonable precautions by providing security where Jews congregate, we should address our abortion advocacy as a cause of hatred towards Jews.

If Jews want to slow the rise of anti-Semitism, we can make a concerted effort to study, learn and adopt the pro-life point of view. The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation offers a wide range of educational materials based on traditional Judaism, science, and common sense. Our library contains valuable information including our brochures that highlight reasons to choose life saving options for unplanned pregnancy, ways Jews can help support and encourage these choices, and our post abortion healing program. Our Ultimate Jewish Pro-Life Power Point covers all aspects of the Jewish abortion issue, addressing and answering the wide range of questions that our community asks. Our short explainer videos speak to specific details easily overlooked. 

Jewish leadership can quell the hate by providing our materials to their associates and members, and initiating learning opportunities and speaker forums within their places of worship and community centers. These efforts will lead to a Jewish pro-life consciousness that silences our critics and recognizes abortion for what it is - a heinous act of terror against defenseless, innocent human beings.  

Pro-Life Judaism offers great rewards. We see birth mothers and adoptive mothers weep with joy as they hold their babies. We see fathers assume responsibility for their wives and children. We feel the love and favor of HaShem as we protect and defend His creation. This return to our pro-life roots will elevate our spiritual vitality and improve our demographic future, while eliminating one source of hatred towards Jews. 

Swastika Defaces Duke University Mural Honoring Synagogue Shooting Victims https://www.npr.org/2018/11/20/669321036/swastika-defaces-duke-university-mural-honoring-synagogue-shooting-victims

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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Tax ID 26-1438181.
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