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History informs us that legalized baby killing by anti-semites eventually turns on the Jew.

Headlines about anti-semitism appear everywhere in the news these days, being driven by anti-Jewish members in the Democrat Party. These legislators pose national security risks and deeply disturb Americans who support Jews and Israel, but the real anti-semitic danger has long been wreaking havoc on Jewish life through a successful propaganda campaign selling abortion to the majority of Jews. Current ranting members of Congress do little harm compared to decades of abortionists killing Jewish babies.

Anti-semitic practices began in Egypt with the enslavement of the Jews, and in almost every generation afterward it’s been legal to kill us. The methods: birthrate reduction, starvation, and mass murder. The goals: wealth transfer and annihilation.

See a comprehensive list. 

Pharaoh tried to reduce our birthrate with forced labor and the physical separation of married couples. Then he ordered the execution of all Jewish male babies. The midwives disobeyed his orders. Moses survived and saved us. Fast forward to Hitler, who learned his craft from the leaders of the American Eugenics Society. His Final Solution began with forced abortion and sterilization. Case in point: Victor Frankl's first wife was forced to have an abortion before she was sent to Auschwitz where she died.

Anti-semitism didn’t end when Allied forces liberated the Jews. It found purchase in the eugenics movement that reinvented itself as population control to avoid public disfavor after WWII. 

The abortion industry in America began when Margaret Sanger, a racist, anti-semitic eugenicist, teamed up with abortion advocates at The Population Council. Negroes and Jews were co-opted to press for abortion rights, while abortionists raked in huge profits. Self-extermination was sold as a solution to poverty and crime, as responsible family planning, as women’s personal and professional empowerment, and eventually as an alternative to traditional birth control. The campaign to sell abortion to blacks and Jews has been so successful that it is nearly impossible for a pro-life speaker to gain access to a black church or a synagogue.

Jewish tradition places an obligation on every Jew to protect innocent life from harm and destruction, whether the age of that life be one minute after fertilization, eight months gestation, infant or adult. This obligation increases in importance and urgency because of our unique historical record, but the baby killing propaganda in culture, law, politics, and religion has desensitized the majority of Jews to the killing of innocent, unborn life. The significance of ending a human life, which ought to be extremely rare and regrettable, is now common place and happening by the thousands every day.  Pseudo-sophisticated arrogance justifies the killing. Moral depravity excuses it.

The Democrat party supports and funds an abortion industry founded by anti-semites and racists. Current anti-semitic rhetoric remains uncensored by party leaders, while pro-infanticide legislators refuse to pass legislation that criminalizes killing infants who survive late term abortions. 

History informs us that legalized baby killing by anti-semites eventually turns on the Jew. This historical trend shows that ongoing Jewish participation in the Democrat party is a growing danger. Better to disengage now and work to protect life from racists and anti-semites. We can acknowledge and mourn the loss of our children, and regret the harm done to our women, families and communities. We can affiliate with pro-life, pro-family organizations that respect the life of every individual, including the Jew.

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.   

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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