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Behind Clinic Walls: Echos of Jericho's Child Slaughter

Behind Clinic Walls: Echos of Jericho's Child Slaughter

The People Of Jericho Foolishly Pushed Hashem Past The Limits Of His Tolerance For These Unnecessary And Cruel Sacrifices, Until Hashem Apparently Felt That There Was No Other Choice Than To Order Jericho's Destruction.

Just in case we all might need an additional 'Chizuk' as the Country likely enters The Most Emotionally Devisive Period In More Than The Past Half Century, it might be helpful to recall that the REAL REASON that motivated the People of Jericho to Brutally Sacrifice their Own Babies was their twisted belief that this would help them achieve ECONOMIC WELL BEING and that they would be rewarded with Good Crops and Prosperity. 

At the end of the day, this justification is really not all that much different from the Economic Motivation Of Much Of The Pro-Choice Agenda And Movement Today. 

Hashem, However, Saw This As A Rebellious Lack Of Faith In Man's Own Purpose And Ordered The Complete Destruction Of Ancient Jericho Because Of What Hashem Apparently Felt Was A Terribly Perverse Ideology.

In those Ancient Days, the majority of the People of Jericho and their surrounding neighbors fully embraced the practice of Child Sacrifice as their form of obedience and tribute to the 'Higher Good'. However, Although Their Thinking Was Distorted, They Were At Least Conscious Of The Enormous Cruelty Of This Gruesome Practice As They Tried To Cover Up The Painful Screams Of Their Babies As They Were Being Burned Alive. We know this because their sacrificial ritual involved the beating of many large drums to try to drown out the screams of the ('Pain Sensitive') Babies as they were being Mercilessly and Unnecessarily killed.

As with most Sinful Practices, there are many examples that Even Though Hashem Has Finite Limits to His Patience, He Still Hopes that Man will See The Folly Of Man's Errant Ways, Repent and Quickly Cease From These Sins.

The People Of Jericho Foolishly Pushed Hashem Past The Limits Of His Tolerance For These Unnecessary And Cruel Sacrifices, Until Hashem Apparently Felt That There Was No Other Choice Than To Order Jericho's Destruction.

No Cheers For This, But We May Also Point To A Sobering Lesson For Us All Today, If Mercy And Reason Do Not Prevail And Unnecessary Abortions Are Not Quickly Curtailed...

Submitted by Kavshiel, the angel who conquers evil.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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