המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Cultivate moral clarity and apply it in the midst of evil.

Cultivate moral clarity and apply it in the midst of evil.

Malevolent assaults on innocent human life surround us daily. At the delicate stages of early life, thousands of babies suffer torture and death in the womb. Children who make it out to the womb alive face monumental psychological, spiritual and medical health challenges due to harmful federal and state health and human welfare policies promoted as safe, effective and conscientious.

Our Torah portion this week, Vayigash, Bereshit (Genesis) 44:18-47:27, highlights the reunion of Joseph with his family. Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers, who convey a profound message to Jacob that will cast a bright, guiding light into humankind’s future: Joseph not only lives, he maintains a commitment to human flourishing and a devotion to Almighty God amidst a pagan, idolatrous, antihuman society. Jacob finds great solace and gratitude in this positive news. He longs to see his son, reunite his family, and relocate to a food abundant area, but he hesitates, worried about exposing his extended family to pagan norms. Only after he receives God’s promise of protection while in a hostile land and ultimate deliverance from it, does Jacob make the journey to Egypt.

Our sages explain that the underlying principle of Joseph’s message to Jacob is eglah arufah, that a person is responsible for preventing evil that occurs outside of his circle of influence. Eglah arufah, as described in Deuteronomy 21:1-9, refers to a blameless calf that is sacrificed as atonement by villagers for shedding innocent blood by failing to provide safe passage and provision for an unidentified person found in the local vicinity murdered by an unknown assailant.

We are actually commanded and held responsible for keeping our blameless neighbors and kinsmen safe from murdering predators. We must atone if we fail in our moral duty. 

Malevolent assaults on innocent human life surround us daily. At the delicate stages of early life, thousands of babies suffer torture and death in the womb. Children who make it out to the womb alive face monumental psychological, spiritual and medical health challenges due to harmful federal and state health and human welfare policies promoted as safe, effective and conscientious. Young adults, whose still developing minds need careful moral nurturing, fall prey to persistent nefarious propaganda in school, culture, and politics as positive parental influence cedes to 24/7 anti-human Internet content.

How to respond to the multi front war on life and living?

Many of us suffer from an ignorance of God centered, pro-human moral standards. Perhaps we grew up in families without these ideals at all. Perhaps we abandoned these ideals because we grew up in families where these ideals were preached but not practiced. Some of us, lucky to be raised in decent homes with good stewardship and virtuous example, later rejected or forgot these ideals when overwhelmed with the seduction and promise of antithetical ideologies and peer approval.

Much of Western civilization and Jewish culture has been devastated by secularization. Some of it suffers from rational intellectualism posing as religion. Both are devoid of spiritual nourishment and human kindness, setting the stage for wholesale confusion and self-destruction. 

A prescription for what ails the human spirit today can be found in Joseph’s example of devotion to God centered, life affirming, pro-human principles. We can atone for our part in shedding innocent blood by sacrificing our ignorance, disinterest, or self interest. We can cultivate moral clarity and apply it in the midst of evil. As we engage with our friends, families and neighbors, we can model virtuous ideals that please Heaven so we become a powerful force for good on earth.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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