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How Can It Be?

How Can It Be?

How can it be that abortion is legal and accepted by people who consider themselves as moral when it is undeniably the eradication of human life and the wiping out of an entire lifetime of a human living?

How can it be that children are our most precious possession yet we exterminate them by the millions in the womb? 

How can it be that people are so heartless as to regard the life that stirs within the pregnant woman as discardable material when it’s human life at the first stage of the human life cycle? 

How can it be that people advocate the legalization of a life-ending procedure that they wouldn’t want to have happened to them? 

How can it be that abortion is legal and accepted by people who consider themselves as moral when it is undeniably the eradication of human life and the wiping out of an entire lifetime of a human living? 

How can it be that people defend legalized abortion as a “woman’s right” when it is nothing more than an invented right that’s a license to kill? 

How could it be that a country legalizes a procedure (abortion) that if exercised by everyone in the country would eventually mean the end of the country?  

How could it be that people kill off their unborn babies when they could simply put them up for adoption and give them the gift of life? 

How could it be that pro-abortionists, at least in principle, believe that all people whose mothers unsuccessfully sought abortions, should not be living? 

How can it be that people support the protection of animal lives yet ignore or support the legalized butchery of human babies in the womb? 

How can it be that people are so obsessed with their own health and not care that unborn babies are ripped apart every day? 

How can it be that people oppose war because it takes away innocent human lives but support the legalization of a procedure that takes away far more innocent lives? 

How can it be that the federal government, which is supposed to protect people from harm, grants people the power to choose death for innocent human lives? 

How can it be that we live in a nation that has laws forbidding people to sell their bodies or abuse their bodies through the purchase of lethal drugs, yet permits women to kill human life within their bodies? 

How can it be that people fall for pro-abortion groups’ propaganda with their duplicitous, euphemistic and cowardly phrases such as: “reproductive rights” (literally meaning the “right of reproduction” when abortion is the opposite of reproduction), “reproductive freedom” (which means “freedom to reproduce” but they mean “freedom to terminate”), and “pro-choice” (which should be “pro-abortion” since abortion needs a law to make it a legal option but birth does not)? 

How can it be that intelligent people let themselves be bullied and manipulated by pro- abortionists to think that if they don’t subscribe to pro-abortion views or march in their rallies they are traitors to feminism and sisterhood? 

How can it be that women abort their unborn child because they don’t love its other parent when the baby is still half theirs? 

How can it be that people deny giving their unborn child the same chance to live that they had as an unborn child? 

How can it be that people say with negativity that repealing Roe v. Wade would be a step back in time when if it wasn’t for that time when abortion was not legal, perhaps their siblings or best friends or grandparents or parents or they themselves would not be alive today? 

How can it be that people buy into pro-abortion propaganda that abortion is mainly opposed by religious zealots when it is clearly a moral issue opposed by anyone with a sense of decency? 

How can it be that in these enlightened times birth is more a matter of luck—whether your parents want you—than nature following its natural and proper course? 

How can it be that people don’t grasp the harsh reality that abortion robs a human being of some 80 years of living? 

How can it be that people worry that if Roe v. Wade is repealed a pregnant woman could get cut and scratched having a back-alley abortion but they have no compunction about her baby being torn to pieces and killed in a legal abortion? 

How can it be that few animals deliberately kill their young but in that category humans would have to be included along with snakes? 

How can it be that with masses of people becoming pro-abortion since Roe v. Wade in 1973 the world has undergone the greatest brainwashing in history? 

How can it be that people could be so selfish or misguided as to put their own particular needs first by having an abortion and rob their child of a whole lifetime of human experience? 

How can it be that any parent who knows the love of a child could support legalized abortion? 

How can it be that pro-abortionists do not recognize they are hypocritical since they owe their very own existence to the fact that their own mothers did not abort them? 

How can it be that society has become so morally bankrupt that those who oppose the life- ending procedure of abortion and advocate the giving of life are attacked or are looked down upon as outcasts? 

How can it be that people typically use the “coward’s excuses” of rape, incest or mother’s life to justify legal abortion when these only account for a tiny percentage of abortions and the overwhelming majority of abortions are had for inconvenience and selfishness? 

How can it be that people accept lawmakers’ subjective justifications for legal abortion (for example, the unborn child “is not a person”) when the point is an abortion terminates a human life which in itself should be unacceptable and reprehensible? 

How can it be that there are people who bully women into having abortions? 

How can it be that many abortion advocates have aborted a child and yet not only not suffer unbearable remorse and guilt that they wiped out their child’s entire lifetime but actually champion abortion? 

How can it be that people use such excuses as being too poor or busy to properly care for a child as reasons to wipe out the entire lifetime of their aborted child when there are social services that could take care of these so-called impediments? 

How can it be that people are so brainwashed about the murderous practice of abortion that they are impervious to any moral argument or logic against abortion from the pro-life side? 

How can it be that abortion is the largest killer of human life in history yet so many people are apathetic to this unprecedented genocide going on today? 

Guest blogger Tamara Aronowsky has spent decades contemplating the immorality of abortion. She is the author of over a dozen books. 

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