המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
✡︎ We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎

Jewish Religion Gone Astray
Nationally sanctioned genocide of unborn children alarmingly resembles state sanctioned genocide of Jews. Both populations are dehumanized through effective propaganda that characterizes them as parasites and threats to others. Both are stripped of equal protections under the law, and tortured and killed without legal consequences. Immense wealth transfer occurs from the mass extermination of both populations.
What happens when a politically-minded advocacy group exploits their religious genealogy to convince intelligent, socially sensitive Jews that unlimited abortion access saves lives, improves the status of women, and is a religious right? When this anti-human rhetoric is repeated over decades in media and during Sabbath sermons, a majority of compassionate Jewish men and women unknowingly become supporters of human life destruction for profiteering abortionists who destroy innocent lives while reaping billions of dollars in blood money.
So it is with the National Council of Jewish Women, which organized a May 17th pro-abortion rally in Washington, D.C. where they fired up protesters with the clarion battle cry “Abortion access is a Jewish value, plain and simple.”
Plain and simply not true!
Spurious statements like this from the popular NCJW, indicate that after 2000 years, the right to Jewish slaughter has replaced the right of Jewish survival as the concern of the majority of Jews in America and perhaps Israel. This radical change makes me afraid for the Jewish people.
Jewish pro-abortionists distort scripture, history, and ethics to give credence to their assault on innocent unborn children and Jewish posterity. In doing so, they undermine Jewish values, and misrepresent and mislead untold numbers of Jewish and non-Jewish people. Just the fact that they champion abortion under the banner of “Jewish” in their name leads people to think that they speak for all people of our faith. In doing so, they aggravate antisemites who look for excuses to attack us.
Abortion is prohibited in Judaism. It is judged to be the unwarranted taking of a life within a life. Jewish values require we take action to protect life and save lives, not destroy life. Our traditions teach us to use our abundant resources to help vulnerable women and children flourish, and to actively rescue those who are targeted for death. If the life of an unborn baby is being mortally threatened, it is mandated in Jewish law to save that baby’s life, and to break every Sabbath prohibition necessary to do so. Judaism allows abortion in the extremely unusual case when the pregnancy will cause the mother’s death. This rare exception is included in every pro-life law.
Jewish legal code forbids direct support of businesses that destroy life or engage in harmful activity; therefore Jews are forbidden to support abortion business practices: torturing and dismembering unborn citizens - without even bothering to provide their victims pain medication; delivering live babies for illegal organ harvesting; racially targeting minority populations; ignoring standard medical regulations; failing to report sex crimes or protecting victims of sex-trafficking, and harming women physically, mentally, emotionally - and spiritually.
Jewish pro-abortionists encourage aspiring mothers to sacrifice their unborn children in the pursuit of hopes and dreams. Fathers, too, ought to decline responsibility for their progeny because of lifestyle and employment demands, These assertions go against the very foundation of Judaism - saving and protecting innocent life.
It has been estimated that since Roe v. Wade went into effect in 1973, some 63 million unborn babies have been terminated in the womb. Nationally sanctioned genocide of unborn children alarmingly resembles state sanctioned genocide of Jews. Both populations are dehumanized through effective propaganda that characterizes them as parasites and threats to others. Both are stripped of equal protections under the law, and tortured and killed without legal consequences. Immense wealth transfer occurs from the mass extermination of both populations.
To maintain mind control and loyalty from their supporters, NCJW leaders deflect from these parallels by arousing long standing fears of discriminatory governments where Jews, in particular, are victimized. They preach that a federal policy that limits abortion access should be feared. The rarity of life-threatening pregnancies and the abundant help available to women and families today reflects an entirely different reality.
Jews have a keen sense of injustice and speak out against it without reservation, as in the case of a death row inmate who may be wrongly accused. Yet, our most vulnerable family members, babies in the womb, have no comparable advocate. Instead, many Jewish people like those in the National Council of Jewish Women and other like-minded Jewish groups, actively support killing them in the name of bodily autonomy, religious liberty, healthcare access, and reproductive justice. By demanding unrestricted child killing, they set the stage for expanded legal killing reminiscent of past human rights atrocities.
Life is a gift and a miracle. It is a Jewish tragedy and an embarrassment that the NCJW champions the right of abortion under the banner of Judaism and holds sway with the majority of Jews. We pray for a renewed belief and faith in the Creator of Life among the ranks of NCJW followers. We have confidence in the power of HaShem to actuate a spiritual renewal in even the most demoralized minds and hearts, and to save the Jewish people from themselves.
May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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