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Just How Far Will They Go?

Just How Far Will They Go?

There is also a multi-million-dollar abortion-industrial complex. These people contribute money to politicians and have supportive friends in media and entertainment who make willfully killing babies seem somehow acceptable.

About a million babies each year in the United States are killed in their mothers’ wombs.  A plurality of women making this decision cite an inability to “afford a baby,” ignoring the alternative of giving birth, the baby living, being adopted, and raised to adulthood. Do these women consider that their having been born and raised cost actual money to their parents? One asks if this unwillingness to give birth/life to babies indicates a severe lack of gratitude to those who came before them?  How do these women think they came into being in this world?

Another common rationale for the murder of an unborn baby is that the baby would interfere with career plans. This “reason” and others are claimed as justifications for exercising the “right” to kill the unborn baby. From where, exactly, does this “right” derive?

For most of human history in societies throughout the world people claimed the “right” to own other people. Some of these slaves had been enslaved by being captured in wars.  These could be found in places as far flung as pre-Columbian Americas, the Ancient Middle East, Asia, and Africa. Others were taken by slave traders from among the Germanic tribes, Slavic regions (from which the term slave derives), Barbary pirates capturing Christian sailors, and many more examples could be cited.  

Slavery still exists, though formally outlawed in most of the world. It is likely that those who still own slaves would say that it is their “right” to do so for economic reasons, political justifications, or because of racial/ethnic superiority. Laxity of enforcement along our southern border permits more than a little human trafficking in slaves for economic and sexual purposes. Despite stated opposition to slavery by many politicians and other leaders, the situation along the border has been allowed and has even increased in recent years.

Money is a connecting factor between continued slavery and the murder of unborn babies.  Businesses are able to benefit from lower wages paid out to illegal residents of this country and downward pressure on wages of legal workers compete with those who are here illegally. Citizens benefit from lower costs for yard care, childcare and other services provided by those here illegally as compared to what they might have to pay legal employees. Regarding the babies, there are the economic rationalizations noted above.  There is also a multi-million-dollar abortion-industrial complex. These people contribute money to politicians and have supportive friends in media and entertainment who make willfully killing babies seem somehow acceptable.

Considering their advocacy of killing the most vulnerable among us, it is not surprising to see increased violence and advocacy of violence against those who are pro-life. Nearly a hundred life affirming pregnancy support centers have been subject to attack ranging from smashed windows to arson. There has been little in the way of investigation and few arrests in these cases. Attorney General Garland, in a recent Congressional hearing, gave the excuse that the attacks had occurred at night.




There is an old saying among lawyers:  “If you have the law on your side, argue the law.  If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. If you have neither, pound on the table.”

In 1861, the pro-slavery forces went to war to defend their “peculiar institution.” Every one of the southern States’ ordinances of secession mentioned slavery in case the reader has any doubt.

We are seeing rising violence, mostly from the pro-baby killers. Let us work and pray that the scourge of abortion on demand can be eliminated without recourse to violence by either side. In Genesis, we find the commandment from G-d to “be fruitful and multiply,” meaning to have children and raise them. Near the end of Deuteronomy, Moses tells us that G-d wants us to “choose life that you and your children may live.” In between those two verses there are numerous life-affirming statements; there is not so much as one that even hints at killing an unborn child.

Don Belding, OBM

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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