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MIGA (Make Israel Godly Again)

MIGA (Make Israel Godly Again)

Monday, December 30, 2024

Israel and Israel alone must decide to return to holiness and the promise of Divine protection and victory.

To ensure the Jewish State’s survival, the US should help Israel return to a self-sufficient, God-dependent nation.

Once current hostilities cease, US foreign policy must include a suitable Marshall Plan that builds military hardware plants in Israel. President Trump loves to build things, so build! Israel can purchase raw materials from the US. This will benefit the US economically while avoiding tensions among supporters of military aid to Israel and MAGA pro-America First conservatives who want to stop foreign aid to Israel.

This policy will also help drain the military industrial complex by ending the current foreign aid policy of money for arms transfers that benefit US military hardware manufacturers at the price of Israel’s self-sufficiency.

Manufacturing its own bullets, bombs, missiles, tanks, etc will make Israel fully responsible for decisions on maintaining border security. No more caving in to pressure from the countries or groups who manipulate events in the area to enrich global interests. No more stopping short of victory to ease relations with suppliers. No more blaming someone else when things go wrong.

As essential as this approach is to Israel’s survival, a return to holiness must also occur. Israel exists because the country has a Biblical mandate to exist.

Genesis 28:13-14 states clearly, “I am the L‑rd, the G‑d of Abraham your father, and the G‑d of Isaac. The land on which you lie, to you will I give it, and to your seed. “Your seed shall be like the dust of the earth, and you shall burst forth to the west, to the east, to the north and to the south; and in you and in your seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.”

The Biblical mandate rests on a contract with God in which the Jews enjoy God’s blessings of protection and prosperity when they live according to morally objective standards given to them in the Five Books of Moses, the Torah. These are condensed in the 10 Commandments and specified later in those books

If the Jews abandon holiness they suffer self-imposed curses. Deuteronomy Chapter 28describes these blessings and curses.

As pro-life Jews, we draw attention to the specific reference to child sacrifice in Leviticus 18:21 – And thou shalt not give any of your offspring to pass through for Moloch, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God. I am the Lord.

According to a respected Jewish women’s publication, Hadassah Magazine, 20,000 Jewish babies perish annually in Israel from abortion homicide, the modern day method of child sacrifice. As a nation founded on a contract with a strict prohibition against child sacrifice, Israel must stop this and obey God's command to preserve life. It is only God’s mercy that continues to sustain Israel and keep invasion and collapse at bay.

The United States has no moral standing to insist that Israel preserve the right to life of the unborn. America's founding included the right to life, but America was not founded through a Biblical mandate contingent on holiness. It would be in America's best national interest to reestablish the right to life as national policy, but the West is not held accountable for its lapse as Israel is held accountable.

As existential threats to the Jewish State’s survival escalate, Israel and Israel alone must decide to return to holiness and the promise of Divine protection and victory. Our Heavenly Father will be very pleased to see those 20,000 innocent babies go on to live according to His will. When Israel makes peace with its unborn children, that will be a giant step towards God granting Israel peace.

Cecily Routman is the President of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation, an educational non-profit founded in 2007 to promote life-saving solutions to unplanned pregnancy in the Jewish community. www.jewishprolifefoundation.org

The original version of this opinion piece appeared in Israel National News on December 16, 2024. https://www.israelnationalnews.com/news/400839

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