המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Bechukotai: Blessings and Curses

Parshas Bechukotai: Blessings and Curses

More importantly are the profound sacrifices of reputation, family and peer approval or livelihood that may result as a consequence of taking actions that demonstrate God’s commandments to protect innocent human life from intentional slaughter.

The Torah reading this week, Bechukotai, Vayikra (Leviticus) 26:3-27:34, opens with God calling on the Israelites to thoroughly accept and follow the Divine blueprint for living given to Moses on Mt. Sinai. The Almighty commands the nation of Israel to embrace this new way of life so that they may glorify Him and testify fo His greatness. 

HaShem knows the Israelites are unpracticed and skeptical of this new way of life, so He outlines the earthly rewards they will derive if they do so. They will enjoy abundant harvests, peace, fertility and healthy children, successful warfare, happiness, and the inner peace and satisfaction in life that comes from unconditional obedience to God’s will. They are also well informed of the consequences of rejecting His guidelines and undermining His authority. They will be cursed with famine, sickness, barrenness, and dispersion into foreign lands where they will be oppressed by tyrannical rulers, persecuted and killed. These natural vectors of positive or negative energy represent spiritual laws established by God. Because His covenant with us remains constant, vital and enduring, we alone are responsible for their force and direction.

God allows us to create a living hell so that we eventually lose faith in our limited human understanding and abilities, so then we acknowledge our need for Him, align our will with His, and look to Him for help, favor, rescue and salvation. Hope for Israel endures because God promises to redeem us no matter our failings or mistakes - - if we repent with complete, intentional seriousness. We can believe this because we know that God exists and that He loves us enough to save us from ourselves. His Presence reveals itself with each miracle of life, healing and renewal - gifts from which there is no human agent.

Our birthright as Jews is to accept a way of life that demonstrates and acknowledges God’s Presence, Power, and Love for us. This we do because we recognize His blessings and want to put our gratitude into actions that honor Him. We gratefully provide life sustaining help and encouragement to anyone struggling with lack of faith, paralyzing shame, bewilderment and personal despair. Whatever our station in life, we can reach out with information, education, and direction well founded in Torah’s life sustaining principles.  

The portion ends listing various ways of supporting the Tabernacle and priests. God’s dwelling place within our hearts, minds, and communities requires frequent contributions of time and money. More importantly are the profound sacrifices of reputation, family and peer approval or livelihood that may result as a consequence of taking actions that demonstrate God’s commandments to protect innocent human life from intentional slaughter. In the death culture in which we live, speaking in favor of innocent life, especially human life in the womb, requires courage, moral integrity, and unwavering faith in Providence. These actions not only save precious lives, they provide a living testimonial of the earthly rewards and spiritual satisfaction that comes from honoring HaShem.

Jeremiah repeats the Torah portion message in our Haftarah this week, Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah)16:19 - 17:14. The prophet ends his warnings with the reassurance that God stands ready to restore our brokenness and bless us whenever we appeal to Him: Heal me, O G‑d, then shall I be healed; help me, then I shall be helped, for You are my praise!"

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

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