המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Bo: The Great Escape

Parshas Bo: The Great Escape

Overnight, the Hebrews are spared endless servitude and extinction, and given the gifts and responsibilities of freedom and spiritual integrity.

In this week’s Torah portion, Bo: Shemot(Exodus)10:1 - 13:16, Pharaoh releases the Hebrews from their servitude in Egypt. He orders their immediate and hasty exit. They have until dawn to gather their flocks of animals, a few personal belongings, the Egyptian gold and silver that would later be used to adorn God’s sanctuary - and off they go - an estimated 6 million men, women and children plus a mixed multitude of opportunists seeking freedom.

Why so quickly and why then? Our tradition teaches that after 430 years in Egypt some Hebrews retain faithfulness to the God of Abraham. Many others are thoroughly immersed in idol worshipping pagan culture. They are enslaved not only by a harsh taskmaster but also to Egyptian habits and attitudes, exchanging freedom, liberty and dignity for food security, shelter and humiliating powerlessness. It is explained that these Jews are out of time….one more day and they will be entirely subsumed and gone forever. 

Overnight, the Hebrews are spared endless servitude and extinction, and given the gifts and responsibilities of freedom and spiritual integrity. HaShem encourages this life changing shift by revealing His supernatural powers in the series of plagues that beset the native communities, culminating in the devastating slaying of all Egyptian first born male humans and animals.

Before the final plague ensues, Moses and Aaron receive a series of directives they impart to the Hebrew people. A lunar calendar is established in order to celebrate monthly spiritual renewal; specific instructions about how to safeguard each Jewish household from the Angel of Death due to arrive this night; establishment of an annual Passover festival and its special dietary restrictions to commemorate this miracle of God's providence, dedicating future first born Jewish sons in service to God as an act of gratitude for our salvation on the fateful night; and required daily prayer and ritual lest we forget that our existence depends upon God and the miracles He performs.

In our Haftarah portion, Yirmiyahu (Jeremiah) 46:13–28, the prophet tells of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, who will conquer Egypt and devastate her culture. The King will serve as an agent of God to eradicate an Egyptian society still in the throes of idol worship and child sacrifice. Jeremiah tells the Jews that at a point in the future they will also be persecuted and exiled for engaging in this lifestyle, though ultimately they will be redeemed and saved.

Throughout human history, tyrants have enslaved nations through violence and policies that alienate people from God and destroy life and family. The Jewish exodus from Egypt serves as a template for escape from tyranny. Strong leadership at a pivotal time when people are willing to take action to change the status quo, bolstered by miracles and faith in God, can restore freedom and its responsibilities overnight. In America, we are experiencing a miracle of this kind. God willing we can reclaim a culture of life and health and freedom and see it spread across the globe.

Everything Happens all of a Sudden No Matter How Long it Takes!

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Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Cecily Routman is the founder and president of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation. She is against abortion homicide in general and among Jews in particular and laments secular policy making in Israel that results in loss of Jewish life and delays the messianic redemption. She envisions a Torah based holy Land of Israel and a world that respects the life of every human being.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
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