המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Noach: First Rain Then Rainbows
Judaism, as given to us by God through Moses, regards human life so precious that Jews are obligated to break every Sabbath restriction in order to save a human life, including a human life residing in a woman's womb. This special exception, known as pikuach nefesh, logically supports the fact that Jewish law recognizes the unborn entity as a living human life that is sacred. We must safeguard it.
This week’s Torah portion, Noach: Bereishit (Genesis) 6:9 - 11:32, opens with an introduction to Noach, the only righteous man of his generation. HaShem gives him an ark building project that lasts 120 years, during which time he is to call the people to repent from their savage, barbaric ways, that God might show mercy and cancel the flood. Noach gets the ark built, but fails to save one soul from wickedness. He and his family enter the ark along with the animals as per HaShem’s instructions. The rain begins. The flood ensues. Exactly one year later Noach and his passengers disembark to build a new world. They should “be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.”
God establishes the rainbow covenant with Noach, promising never again to curse the earth with destruction because of man’s evil thoughts and actions. He provides seven moral guidelines to follow this second time around - the Seven Noahide Laws. These guidelines provide simple rules that lead to successful living.
1) Know God and acknowledge Him. 2) Respect the Creator. 3) Respect human life. 4) Respect the institution of marriage. 5) Respect the rights and property of others. 6) Respect God's creatures. 7) Maintain justice.
We are instructed to respect human life because it is sacred. Every human being is an entire world. To save a life is to save the entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy the entire world.
HaShem deems willful murder a capital crime punishable by death. If a human court fails to punish the murderer, God Himself will seek redress. In Genesis 9:5, He tells us, “From the hand of each man, his brother, I will demand the soul of man." Regarding the human being in the womb, in Genesis 9:6 the word of HaShem is clear: "Whoever sheds the blood of man within man so shall his blood be shed, for in the image of God He made man.” The context in which the word 'made' is used is the conception, growth and development of the human being in the womb.
Judaism, as given to us by God through Moses, regards human life so precious that Jews are obligated to break every Sabbath restriction in order to save a human life, including a human life residing in a woman's womb. This special exception, known as pikuach nefesh, logically supports the fact that Jewish law recognizes the unborn entity as a living human life that is sacred. We must safeguard it.
Jewish abortion activists distort and misuse pikuach nefesh when they insist that legal, taxpayer funded, unlimited abortion access is necessary to save women's lives. This distortion finds appeal in the broader pro-abortion movement in propaganda that claims baby killing saves lives.
It's wicked but effective, even in conservative circles. I heard a conservative talkshow host today say he approves of the state right to legally kill pre-born children because it gives people the freedom to choose to live in states that align with their values on the issue. I found this to be short sighted and pathetic and scary. I know I've said it before but it bears repeating. When, not if, imported Islamists and anti-religionists of various stripes get a voting majority in states where baby killing is constitutionally sanctioned, they will pass ballot initiatives to legalize killing Jews and Christians.
Despite centuries old semantic arguments about the relative value of the unborn, the time of ensoulment, or the stages of development about which many erroneous conclusions have been reached, the truth remains and science now proves that the unborn entity is alive, sentient, responsive and very much human.
In our Haftarah this week, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66:1-24, Isaiah likens a redeemed Israel to a pregnant woman who ultimately gives birth to a righteous nation. The Lord reminds us that He alone is the arbiter of life and death, of conception and barrenness. "Am I not He who causes to give birth, now should I shut the womb?" says your God. When a new Israel emerges, all those who mourned the passing of the old will rejoice in the new, a holy land whose Heavenly Father blesses and redeems.
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Cecily Routman
May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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