המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Pekudei: Creating a Dwelling Place for God

Parshas Pekudei: Creating a Dwelling Place for God

Every person's moral contribution is necessary to create and maintain a dwelling place for God on earth.

Our Torah portion this week is Pekudei, Shemot (Exodus) 38:21-40:38. Pekudei means 'tallies,' referring to the individual contributions of precious metals made to the Tabernacle Fund to fashion the elaborate furnishings and ornaments described here. Egyptian wealth given to the Hebrews upon their quick

departure supplies many of these materials. Every individual counted in the census of males aged 20 to 60 gives a 1/2 shekel of silver. Keeping in mind that these men represent families of women and children, every single person contributes something to the Fund. The collective result of all these individual efforts creates a dwelling place for God on earth.

This is a very important concept in the history of the Jews, and of all peoples. Every person's moral contribution is necessary to create and maintain a dwelling place for God on earth. As moral intelligence and demonstration diminishes, God's presence on earth diminishes, and we are vulnerable to great and small tragedies. The historical record shows this clear correlation.

God's diminishing presence is evident in current events around the globe, as policy makers and globalists profit from a mass moral deterioration among people. This moral degradation starts with the denial of God and a subsequent dehumanization of those created in His image, ie, ourselves, our brothers and sisters. Hence, acknowledging God's existence and rehumanizing people can restore God's presence on earth, and renew human flourishing. Each of us is responsible for the application of the remedy.

Cecily. Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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