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Parshas Shemini: Choose Kosher Living - Choose Life!

Parshas Shemini: Choose Kosher Living - Choose Life!

Judaism accounts for the long term process of human spiritual growth by offering forgiveness to any sincerely contrite person no matter when that change of heart and mind occurs.

Hebrew version of this post. גרסה עברית של הפוסט הזה https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JrZfAgMMEEJpGPcFD9c9aUh6C6iSe5M6/view?usp=sharing

Our Torah portion this week, Shemini: Vayikra (Leviticus) 9:1 - 11:47, includes the Laws of Kashrut, the guidelines for what and how we consume food. The concept of Kosher has broad implications beyond eating. Kosher means above board, legitimate, clean. As one infamous person I heard once say, "You can't be clean and live dirty."

Volumes have been written about the reasons for Torah's rules about what animal protein to eat, what animal protein not to eat, the way in which animals are slaughtered, the preparation and combinations of foods, and the containers and utensils that hold and handle them. Opinions vary from, "Just do it and don't ask why because God knows what is best for us," to optimum digestive function, avoidance of disease, mercy for the animals, and deriving maximum spiritual benefit from food.

This Torah portion also talks about purity and impurity, and what foods and actions cause a person to be made impure, either physically or spiritually, what restrictions apply during the time of impurity, and how a person can be cleansed. Repentance, ritual sacrifice, and immersion in a Mikveh are three methods suggested to restore one's purity, the choice of which depends upon the action that caused the impurity.

Specific actions mentioned in this portion are eating in violation of the laws of Kashrut and handling dead animals. More actions are referenced in other place in Torah, for example in Leviticus about exposure to mold and mildew, and in Numbers, about how touching a dead human body causes impurity which separates the person from God and community until that person is cleansed.

I've often thought about the focus on kosher eating in Jewish culture. Kosher eating supports the formation of kosher living regarding adherence to the rules of business practice and ethics, and rules of social and familial relationships. As one's food becomes cleaner, one's clarity and sensitivity to purity rises in these other areas, too. However, when adherence to Kashrut laws rests on pride rather than humility, this practice has little effect on living or consciousness.

This explains the person that follows strict dietary practices yet fails to recognize the impurity involved in child sacrifice. Mercy and empathy for pain capable human beings in the womb isn't operative, nor is the physical and spiritual defilement felt that accompanies close proximity with a human corpse. This sin is made worse by the halachic prohibition against tearing apart or mutilating a human body. It's all too horrific to mention or contemplate.

Fortunately, anyone who suffers the after effects of supporting or engaging in abortion homicide can return to a place of purity and covenant with God and community. Judaism accounts for the long term process of human spiritual growth by offering forgiveness to any sincerely contrite person no matter when that change of heart and mind occurs. Much latitude is given if a person's errors are caused by lack of access to the truth and vulnerability to lies. In the midst of ignorance born of prideful conceit or overwhelming peer pressure, many times it is only the pain of our actions that opens us up to a loving example of God's reality and mercy. Let's keep doing our best to provide that loving example in order to allow our Creator to save precious lives and heal suffering souls.

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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