המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Shemot: A Promise of Freedom

Parshas Shemot: A Promise of Freedom

Technology advances unimagined in biblical times empower collaboration between nefarious purveyors of anti-human ideology. Anti-life propaganda given away as free gifts in all sorts of pretty packages enslaves the human heart and mind. Too many children, parents, families and communities suffer spiritual exile from a loving God and goodness and life.

We begin the book of Exodus with this week’s Torah portion, Shemot (Exodus) 1:1 - 6:1. Through God’s blessings, the Jewish population grows and prospers in Egypt. A new generation of Jews and a new Pharaoh arises. This Pharaoh perceives the Jewish God and the amazing success of the Jews as a threat to his political and theocratic power. He attempts to diminish their spiritual power by morally corrupting them. Many Jews, but not all, do succumb to the deliberate government propaganda campaign for idolatry and pagan Egyptian practices. The Pharaoh tries to contain and diminish Jewish numbers by working Jewish men to exhaustion and ruling that they sleep in the fields rather than at home with their wives. He embeds spies in Jewish neighborhoods to report on imminent births and orders the midwives to drown all newborn Jewish male babies. He steals Jewish female babies and assimilates them into the pagan Egyptian culture. 

These strategies ultimately fail. The men grow stronger, their wives visit them in the fields, the midwives refuse to drown the male babies, Jewish mothers protect their daughters. Even angels appear to protect the newborns from Egypt’s baby police.

Pharaoh learns that a future revolutionary will be born to Jochebed and Amram, leaders in the Jewish community. The spies plan to report Moses’ birth to the baby police at the normal time of delivery, but thankfully he is born three months prematurely. His mother hides her infant son for three months, then to save his life she puts him in a basket and casts him into the river of reeds to be delivered into the hands of Bitya, Pharaoh’s daughter. BItya claims the infant boy as her own. She and Miriam, Moses’ sister, are friends, and Miriam offers to provide a nursemaid. She selects Jochebed, insuring that Moses is raised by his loving mother. He grows up to take an interest in the well-being of the Hebrew slaves, one day killing an abusive Egyptian slave master. To avoid capture, Moses flees to Midian. He meets and marries his wife, Zipporah. He becomes a shepherd. God contacts him at the Burning Bush and gives him the task of liberating the Jews from Egyptian enslavement. 

Though lacking the confidence and verbal skills to achieve this undertaking, Moses accepts his duty. He meets his brother, Aaron, and they return to Egypt to enlist the cooperation of the Jewish elders. These righteous men know a revolt will intensify Pharaoh’s wrath and the Jews will suffer worse abuses and indignities. With great faith in the God of Abraham, the elders agree to support the liberation movement which will culminate in the exodus from Egypt. The people remember Jacob’s promise of a future deliverance from slavery and agree to follow Moses.

Our Haftarah portion, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 27:6 - 28:13 and 29:22-23, reprises the theme of liberation from slavery and idolatry. The prophet warns of an impending exile brought about by a succession of kings who refuse to stop their wicked ways. The Northern Kingdom of Israel falls and native society absorbs Jewish culture. Isaiah predicts a Final Redemption when God will restore the Jewish homeland in Jerusalem, where the lost and suffering sons and daughters of Abraham will live in peace and holiness.

The experience of the Jews in Pharaoh’s Egypt and Isaiah’s warnings and predictions resonate with us. Technology advances unimagined in biblical times empower collaboration between nefarious purveyors of anti-human ideology. Anti-life propaganda given away as free gifts in all sorts of pretty packages enslaves the human heart and mind. Too many children, parents, families and communities suffer spiritual exile from a loving God and goodness and life. Too many innocent humans perish.

Yet, in Egypt, some people resist the false promises of paganism. They suffer for their loyalty to God and are eventually redeemed and delivered. When trustworthy leadership arrives promising relief and freedom, the people follow.

The biblical record shows many depraved, immoral kingships interrupted at times by enlightened leaders who pass reforms encouraging spiritual growth and real world liberties. Today, we recognize some such like minded leaders emerging in various places supported by a growing number of active, morally sound individuals like you and me, whose message grows stronger with every social media post and podcast episode. Together we offer a modern day exodus out of paganism and idolatry. Maybe, just maybe, our promises and our efforts to restore God and goodness and life will triumph over the evil forces intent on preserving power no matter the cost in human suffering. Perhaps enough people of the world will join our liberation movement for freedom and redemption that Jacob and Isaiah envisioned many years ago. If it be God’s will, may it happen soon!

Please share this post on your social media to amplify our message in this troubled world. Thank you.

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Cecily Routman is the founder and president of the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation. She is against abortion homicide in general and among Jews in particular and laments secular policy making in Israel that results in loss of Jewish life and delays the messianic redemption. She envisions a Torah based holy Land of Israel and a world that respects the life of every human being.

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