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Parshas Shoftim: From Sadness to Joy

Parshas Shoftim: From Sadness to Joy

So far have these deceptions progressed that pre-born babies bear the painful indignity of being blamed, accused and legally tortured to death for society's failures and the shortcomings of their parents. Enabled by most governments, this moral failure invites the loss of national sovereignty.

In our Torah portion this week, Shoftim: Deuteronomy (Devarim) 16:18 - 21:9, Moses continues laying out the rules for a functional and holy society in the Land of Israel. This week he concentrates on justice and its application by judges and legislators, kings, priests and prophets. Knowing the tendency for compromise, bribery, idolatry, scam artists, emotional arguments, situational ethics, intellectual conceit, personal ambition, professional insecurity and cowardice, Moses takes great pains to remind the people that successful and ongoing possession of the Holy Land depends upon holy determinations by authorities who rely on Torah based law when developing national policy and adjudicating conflicts. Of great concern to him is protecting innocents from harm and those falsely accused of criminal behavior. In His wisdom, the Almighty makes it personal: the whole town or city bears responsibility for shedding innocent blood. If allowed to happen and go unaddressed, everyone incurs guilt.

The Haftarah this week, Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 51:12 - 52:12, lifts spirits depressed by folly and sin. Isaiah promises joy and song in God's promised redemption when Israel repents. A renewed Jerusalem existing only to praise God awaits us.

How easily we discard fundamentals and a joyous future in favor of fashion! Modern governance around the globe now suffers from all the ills Moses warned against. Corrupted judges, compromised heads of state and politicians, ungodly faith leaders and nefarious social media influencers hold sway over almost every area of our lives. Lies repeated over and over again, slander and false witness supplant reality, the voice of conscious and common sense, making us pawns in a dangerous game of life and death.

So far have these deceptions progressed that pre-born babies bear the painful indignity of being blamed, accused and legally tortured to death for society's failures and the shortcomings of their parents. Enabled by most governments, this moral failure invites the loss of national sovereignty. People who possess biblical consciousness and spiritual insight see this happening in real time every day around the planet.

Happily, this same consciousness provides us an inner peace and motivation to speak out and take actions in defense of Torah and innocent human life. As we expand our efforts to educate and heal here and in Israel, our faith in HaShem's peculiar blend of mercy and judgement inspires us to forgive and console rather than castigate and hurt.

Each of us has a unique obligation in the effort to save the lives and destinies of our beloved pre-born children. As we approach the New Year's promise of a renewed covenant with our Heavenly Father, Isaiah's words remind us that our efforts have guaranteed results. "Burst out in song, sing together, O ruins of Jerusalem, for the Lord has consoled His people; He has redeemed Jerusalem. The Lord has revealed His holy arm before the eyes of all the nations, and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God."

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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