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Pittsburgh JCC To Host Planned Parenthood Fundraiser

Pittsburgh JCC To Host Planned Parenthood Fundraiser

While marketed as a non-profit that cares for women, PPFA is actually a thriving business that profits by exploiting women, killing children, corrupting minors, and implementing a eugenics ideology that intends to eliminate undesirable populations, including Jews.

The Jewish Community Center of Pittsburgh is providing the venue for a Planned Parenthood of Western PA fundraiser on 11/9/19. Entitled, "Drag Bingo In Support of PPWP", the event is billed as an evening of hilarious fun, watching fabulous drag queen performances, playing bingo games and raffling baskets to support affordable health care. You can view the event on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/510792369479816/

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA), aka The Abortion Corporation,  is a favorite charity for Jewish donors; hence, the JCC venue. PPFA's total revenue for 2016-2017 was about $1.459 billion dollars, primarily earned by averaging a daily execution of 881 babies (321,000 per year).(1) 

While marketed as a non-profit that cares for women, PPFA is actually a thriving business that profits by exploiting women, killing children, corrupting minors, and implementing a eugenics ideology that intends to eliminate undesirable populations, including Jews. The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, fully supported the Final Solution in Germany.(2)  Here's a quote justifying abortion practices against Jews and other minorities in Germany that perfectly reflects PPFA propaganda in the USA today:

“We must use every means to install in the population the idea that it is harmful to have several children, the expenses that they cause and the dangerous effect on woman’s health... It will be necessary to open special institutions for abortions, and doctors must be able to help out there in case there is any question of this being a breach of their professional ethics.” Adolf Hitler 1942.(3)

In light of the extraordinary human rights abuses targeting Jews throughout history, and the recent anti-semitic violence at the Tree of Life Synagogue, it is especially detestable that Jewish community leaders in Pittsburgh are hosting this fundraiser for an entity that engages in the greatest human rights abuse of our lifetime, having led to the deaths of over 61 million innocents in America since 1973, including over 790,000 Jewish exterminations. (4) 

The JCC leadership fails to recognize the tragic irony of their collaboration with the eugenics death cult that celebrates the demise and torture of every Jewish child from abortion - no pain medication is given to the baby before being poisoned, starved, dismembered, executed upon delivery, or kept alive for body parts harvesting. Judaism prohibits desecrating the human body, but abortion destroys a human body, and the harvesting of baby parts for profit runs contrary to Jewish respect for the dead. 

Chemical abortion, RU 486, is a first trimester method of execution manufactured  by Roussel Uclaf, a subsidiary of Hoechst AG, formally known as I.G. Farben, the German company that manufactured Zyklon-B, the gas used to murder Jews in the death camps.(5) This deadly cocktail sends a woman home to miscarry her child in the toilet, alone, terrified, bleeding for hours, traumatized by the expelled lifeless form of her child,(6) a child whose heart beat at 22 days gestation, whose brain waves were present by 42 days, and whose fingers and toes were functional by 48 days.(7) Yes, it was a living human baby, whose destiny on earth was violently interrupted in similar fashion to Jews' lives historically - first denied personhood and legal protection under the law, then dehumanized with labels such as garbage, parasite, sub-human, research material, etc. 

The JCC leadership doesn't realize that abortion is totally anti-woman. Abortion providers perpetuate sex crimes by routinely failing to report evidence of sexual assault and sex trafficking. They fail to provide informed consent to patients, and fail to counsel patients on alternatives to the abortion procedure or possible immediate and long term negative consequences of the procedure.(8) Tragically, some women die, and many are damaged from abortion, experiencing infertility, and profound physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual harm.(9) The mother is left childless, traumatized, and often financially indebted and dependent on her abuser, while Planned Parenthood accumulates vast wealth and legitimacy.

The JCC leadership remains uninformed and disinterested in the reality that abortion  practices dramatically contrast with Jewish ethics and moral guidelines in business, cleanliness, sexual propriety, responsibility to protect friends and neighbors from harm, dietary practices, honesty, and women’s safety. The PPFA business model corrupts young people through middle and high school sex ed classes, introducing birth control and sexually active lifestyles, and profiting from testing for subsequent STD infections and when the pregnancy controls fail, abortion. Aborted human tissue is used in the manufacture of human vaccines, beauty care products, food flavor enhancers,(10) and surreptitiously washed down the drain into municipal waste systems, eventually incorporated into biosludge crop fertilizer. You may be eating remains when you ingest your vegetables.(11)

Judaism demands a high level of compassion and mercy for the vulnerable and defenseless. No other demographic is as vulnerable as the defenseless child in the womb. We have a keen sense of injustice and speak out against it without reservation, as in the case of a death row inmate who may be wrongly accused. Yet, our innocent unborn children have no comparable advocate; instead, the majority Jewish community actively supports killing them for any reason with no second opinion or legal defense required.

Judaism was the first religion in human history to prohibit child sacrifice, and yet we've become the world's foremost religion promoting this abhorrent practice. The JCC leadership may see themselves as virtuous defenders of women's rights, but the larger community sees them as baby killers, which will increase anti-semitic sentiment in Pittsburgh and cast a shadow of death over Pittsburgh's Jewish neighborhood. To voice your concern, please call 412-521-8010 and leave a message for the Executive Director, Brian Schreiber.

Please speak up with confidence and authority. As Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald warned us, “There is a Holocaust taking place in America right now. We can't hear it, because there are no barking dogs; we can't see it, because there are no goose-stepping Nazi soldiers and no concentration camps; we can't smell it because there are no gas chambers. But the net result is exactly the same ... if we fail to act now ... the "silent Holocaust" will have done its job. Hitler will have emerged victorious.”

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.


May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.


(1) Family Research Council The Real Planned Parenthood: Leading the Culture of Death 2019 Edition. https://downloads.frc.org/EF/EF15F70.pdf

(2) Uncovering the Racist and Anti-Semitic Roots of Abortion.  https://www.scholarscorner.com/uncovering-the-racist-and-anti-semitic-roots-of-abortion/

(3) Doctors, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Abortion during the Third Reich. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rjqaMqEEUiTo0v7tGBbdtu8HmjkHZ7pO/view

(4) Abortion Facts. https://www.abortionno.org/abortion-facts/

(5) Company That Made Zyklon B for Nazi Holocaust Made RU 486 for Abortions. https://www.lifenews.com/2014/02/23/company-that-made-zyklon-b-for-nazi-holocaust-made-ru-486-for-abortions/

(6) RU 486 Abortion Numbers Rise. https://www.ortl.org/2016/12/ru-486-abortion-numbers-rise/

(7) The Endowment for Human Development  https://www.ehd.org/index.php

(8) Sex Abuse Cover Up at Planned Parenthood. https://www.liveaction.org/what-we-do/investigations/aidingabusers/

(9) The Elliott Institute. https://afterabortion.org/

(10) How Cells from an Aborted Fetus are Used Today to Create Flavor Enhancers in Foods. https://healthimpactnews.com/2013/how-cells-from-an-aborted-fetus-are-used-today-to-create-flavor-enhancers-in-foods/

(11) Dr. David Lewis BioSludge Warning. http://counterthink.com/CounterThink-Episode-3-David-Lewis.html

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