המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Pro-Life Torah Bo

Pro-Life Torah Bo

We find ourselves once again seeking HaShem’s support and protection as we foster encouragement and consensus for liberation from dependencies on false gods and a culture of death and depravity.

In this week’s Torah portion, Bo: Exodus 10:1 - 13:16, the Hebrews are released from their servitude in Egypt. Pharaoh orders their immediate and hasty exit. They have until dawn to gather their flocks of animals, a few personal belongings, the Egyptian gold and silver that would later be used to adorn God’s sanctuary - and off they go - nearly 3 million men, women and children.

Why so quickly and why then? Our tradition teaches that after 210 years in Egypt some Hebrews retained a modicum of faithfulness to the God of Abraham. Many others were thoroughly inculcated with idol worshipping pagan culture. They were enslaved not only to a harsh taskmaster but also to Egyptian habits and attitudes, exchanging, freedom, liberty and dignity for food security, shelter and humiliating powerlessness. It is explained that these Jews were out of time....one more day and they would have been entirely subsumed and gone forever.

Overnight, the Hebrews were spared endless servitude and extinction, and given the responsibilities of freedom and spiritual integrity, made possible only through dependency on HaShem encouraged by the supernatural plagues, the last three of which are described in this portion: swarms of voracious locusts that precipitate famine, impenetrable darkness that hides the demise of Hebrew collaborators who conspire with Egyptian officials to maintain the status quo, and slaying of Egypt’s first born and the Passover miracle. To merit release, the Almighty gives the Hebrews monthly opportunities for spiritual renewal during Rosh Chodesh, annual acknowledgement of our liberation during the Passover festival, and reminders of His protection of our first born from the Angel of Death by the redemption of our first born sons.

HaShem tells Moses to come with Him into Pharaoh’s court, providing moral support in the seat of depravity, and protection from the tyrant’s wrath. Modern day tyrants enslave many people through violence, attacks on faithfulness to God, and policies that destroy life and family cohesiveness. Speaking out against these attacks invites retribution from those who deny God’s existence and suffer from selfishness and materialism. Even within our personal and professional circles, we find opposition to actions that encourage preservation of life, family, faithfulness to God and community. We find ourselves once again seeking HaShem’s support and protection as we foster encouragement and consensus for liberation from dependencies on false gods and a culture of death and depravity. As we fearlessly press on with our mission to educate, provide assistance, and offer spiritual healing to our fellow Jews, we anticipate with much enthusiasm the next miracle of deliverance!

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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