המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Rabbis and Abortion Providers: An Unholy Alliance

Rabbis and Abortion Providers: An Unholy Alliance

Pro-abortion rabbis show no compassion for the millions of babies who are starved, poisoned, burned, dismembered, and whose skull is punctured and crushed after partial delivery - all done without pain medication and all for profit.

Our newsletter this week called attention to Rabbi Dennis S Ross, the current director of Concerned Clergy for Choice, a New York state Planned Parenthood affiliate organization whose members provide community education on theological perspectives and speak with the media and policy makers about religious support for access to contraception, abortion, and comprehensive sex education. Rabbi Ross is paid to speak on the topic of religion and the media at professional conferences, college campuses, houses of worship, health centers and other venues. His booklet, Abortion and Judaism, available on line and in many synagogue and temple resource centers, makes a compelling case for choosing abortion, yet, offers no adoption or parenting support for unwanted and unplanned Jewish children.

Our April 10, 2018 newsletter featured Rabbi Jon Adland of Temple Israel of Canton, Ohio, who received Planned Parenthood of Greater Ohio's "Partner in Faith" Award on April 25, 2018. Rabbi Adland has been an abortion advocate for 30 years, and previously served as the chair of the clergy advocacy board of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America. He also was on the board of the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio.

Our February 4, 2018 newsletter featured Rabbi Charles Feinberg, who appeared with other pro-abortion clergy to bless the opening of one of the few remaining late term abortion clinics in the country, the AbortionClinics.org center in Bethesda Maryland, operated by notorious abortionist Leroy Carhart. Rabbi Feinberg serves as the Executive Director of Interfaith Action for Human Rights, an organization that advocates for the basic human right to life for everyone except unborn children. 

Our July 2, 2017 newsletter introduced Rabbi Scott Weiner, who sponsored the  Planned Parenthood Action Fund Political Committee Religion Sex Politics fundraising event at his Temple Israel. Rabbi Weiner currently serves on the Board of Directors of Planned Parenthood – Hudson Peconic.

These are just four of hundreds of rabbis in various denominations who are ignorant of the anti-Semitic origins and motives of the abortion industry, and who disseminate choice-biased misinformation about abortion to confused and frightened Jewish women. Reports from post abortive Jewish women declare that their rabbi made no case for adoption or parenting, nor did they offer pregnancy care support at the time of crises. Instead of referencing the Jewish matriarchal desire and need to bear children and to protect the innocent, these rabbis encouraged abortion as the responsiblie action - and action that irreparably damaged these women and terminated the life of an innocent Jewish child - a child very much desired by many infertile Jewish couples. 

Judaism demands a high level of compassion and mercy for the vulnerable and defenseless. No other demographic is as vulnerable as the defenseless child in the womb. Pro-abortion rabbis show no compassion for the millions of babies who are starved, poisoned, burned, dismembered, and whose skull is punctured and crushed after partial delivery - all done without pain medication and all for profit. The abortion business shelters sexual predators and sex traffickers, and routinely lies to and exploits women. These business and medical practices are antithetical to Judaism, but are ignored by rabbis who maintain synagogue employment and reputation by pandering to pro-abortion membership lists.

Halackic opinion regards unborn human life as intrinsically precious and necessary for the survival of the Jewish people. From conception onward, life is to be protected, supported, and nurtured, Unfortunate or less than ideal circumstances are to be remedied with life saving alternatives, not death and destruction. 

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation speaks truth to the twisted lies of the pro-abortion rabbinate. We offer life saving and soul saving support and encouragement to abortion minded Jewish men and women, provide adoption and pregnancy care referrals, and help for the unrelenting grief, guilt, remorse, and torment after abortion. 

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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