המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Remember The 62 Million

Remember The 62 Million

Abortion is indeed today’s version of the Holocaust. It is the mass killing of innocent human life, and though that description of abortion may grate some, it’s an indisputable biological fact as fetuses are living and human.

If you want to raise the ire of many people, including those of the Jewish faith, just compare abortion to the Holocaust. Pro-abortionists and others bristle at the idea that killing unborn children could be compared to killing born people. Not long ago, a midwestern rabbinical association (whose members are from all steams of Judaism) rebuked a U.S. congressman for doing just that, saying the Congressman tarnished the memory of those who were wiped out during the Holocaust. 

But as hard as it is for some to people to accept, comparing abortion to the Holocaust does not only not desecrate the Nazi victims’ memory because the analogy is accurate, but it could actually honor them by having the opposite effect: by invoking the cruel treatment toward these unfortunate victims by the Nazis perhaps we can use the lesson of their mass elimination to stop the mass elimination of unborn children. 

Abortion is indeed today’s version of the Holocaust. It is the mass killing of innocent human life, and though that description of abortion may grate some, it’s an indisputable biological fact as fetuses are living and human. 

The similarities between Nazism and legalized abortion are staggering. Nazism at its core was a state-sanctioned genocide of a selective group; legalized abortion in the U.S. (and Israel) is likewise a nationally-sanctioned procedure aimed at a selective group (unborn children). The Nazi extermination took place in concentration camps; the elimination of fetuses takes place in abortion mills. The Nazis called their program of extermination the Final Solution; so-called “abortion clinics” either have eugenics-sounding names that infer a final solution to unwanted children or have names that are variations on salubrious-sounding but duplicitous appellations like “women’s health center” when they are in fact “death centers.”   

There was the notorious Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who at the Auschwitz concentration camp decided which Jews would live and which would die. Through Roe v. Wade, hasn’t the U.S. government empowered pregnant women to be potential Mengeles by granting them the legal right to decide if their unborn baby shall live or die? 

The Nazis said Jews were sub-human and did not have any rights. Pro-abortionists say that a fetus is not a person so it cannot be viewed as having any rights. But the pro-abortionists’ view is misguided as a fetus is the beginning stage of a person’s life. That is a fact as a person could not exist without having been a single cell, embryo or fetus first. From conception to last breath is the life span of a human being. Kill the fetus and you’ve killed the person. 

There are abortion survivors just like there are Holocaust survivors. What do they have in common? Both are people, both were marked for death, and both survived. What do you say to a person who survived an abortion—you should not be alive? 

Both the Holocaust and abortion have claimed millions of human lives. Six million Jews met their death at the Nazis’ hands; in the case of abortion in America, over sixty-two million unborn children have been eliminated. That’s ten times the number of Holocaust victims, and the number, tragically, grows every day. 

Abortion is not just a word. It’s a violent act that ends a human life. It’s the dismemberment of a fetus and I would challenge all those who support legalized abortion to go to an abortion center and witness the barbaric procedure. Then watch as the abortionist picks up the excised baby parts—its heart and fingers and toes. In my opinion if you can stomach all that and still champion abortion I would wonder about your humanity. For their inhumanity, the Nazis were called monsters. I say to pro-abortionists, go to an abortion center to witness an abortion and confront your inner monster. 

Some people call abortion infanticide; others summon the memory of the Nazis’ mass murder of Jews and call it a Holocaust. In the end, words don’t matter. Whether it’s a Nazi Holocaust or a Baby Holocaust the outcome is all the same: the end of a human life. 

The Nazis said the extermination of Jews was a national right. 

Pro-abortionists consider abortion a woman’s right. If that’s the case, whose rights should prevail? A woman’s rights or an unborn child’s rights? In a civilized society, surely the right not to be killed trumps the right to kill. 

Guest blogger Tamara Aronowsky has spent decades contemplating the immorality of abortion.  She is the author of over a dozen books.

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