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Say NO to Abortion Pill Telehealth in PA

Say NO to Abortion Pill Telehealth in PA

At home abortion not only kills the child. It causes great pain to the mother. Inducing unnecessary pain and discomfort can not in any sense be called health care. And it is dangerous.

To: Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro

Re: Attorneys General Letter Pushing Abortion Pill Telehealth during COVID-19 Crisis

Dear Josh,

I am shocked and disappointed that you would agree to sign the letter presented to U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services from California Attorney General Xavier Becerra demanding that telehealth include consultation by doctors to encourage women to take an abortion bill to kill a baby during the Corona Virus crisis.  While others are trying to save lives, I find it disturbing that any government officials would be encouraging the taking of lives.

There are a number of incorrect statements within this letter. First, abortion and care are not synonymous.  Abortion violence is the proper term to us.

At home abortion not only kills the child. It causes great pain to the mother.  Inducing unnecessary pain and discomfort can not in any sense be called health care. And it is dangerous. By abortion advocates’ own numbers, the pill regimen fails “between 7,000 to 24,000 times annually – or even as high as 31,000 times a year.” 

If the abortion is incomplete, this means a woman may need to undergo a second procedure, this time a surgical one. The threat posed by self-managed abortions means thousands of patients could potentially need emergency care. Which means these women may be exposed to COVID-19, or infect other people with the virus. 

The only use for Mifepristone is to kill an unborn child.  While doctors, nurses, EMT personnel and other health care providers are trying to save lives during the COVID-19 pandemic, isn’t it ironic that the abortion industry is still encouraging death and doing so at the cost of the health and lives of women.

FDA’s Q & A on Mifeprex lists a number of reasons why women should not be taking this drug. Telemedicine may be appropriate for some consultations, but taking medicine to kill a baby in the woman, allow the baby to sit inside the mother and then take another drug to extract the dead baby is not something anyone should be doing alone.  Ending a pregnancy is something that indicates the need for a more comprehensive in person review as it is a major procedure and more humane and life fulfilling options need to be discussed.

Furthermore, without an ultra-sound how will a woman know where she is in time with her pregnancy?  No other medical procedure would be recommended by a competent doctor without proper diagnosis.  Telemedicine can only affectively be used for conditions that the doctor can see from the patient’s appearance and description of symptoms.

During this pandemic we hear about how life is more important than economics.  But when it comes to ending a life, it is very clear that the abortion industry wants to continuing profiting while the rest of us are losing our incomes, our jobs and our businesses.  I find that disgusting.

Also, we have been told that abortion is a choice. That is a clear indication that this procedure is non-essential.  Other “elective” procedures have been postponed by the pandemic.  Abortion, at the very least, should also be postponed.

The letter goes on to claim that killing the baby through an abortion is four times safer than a pregnancy.  What study is being cited?  Is this a study conducted by the manufacturer of the abortion drug?

Why, at this time, isn’t the manufacturer producing drugs to treat illness? At this time we should be honoring and promoting life; not encouraging death at the expense of America’s women and profiting the abortion industry.

Also, as Attorney General, you should be investigating how mail order companies are trying to profit illegally and put women at risk.  Please review this article:



GenBioPro, Inc.-Manufacturer.  All they do is this abortion drug. Their own website lists the reasons for restrictions mentioning the dangers of taking this drug:



I ask that you rescind your support for this letter.  I also pray that one day, you will change your views as I have and support women, their babies and their families and become Pro Life.


Ross Schriftman, Horsham, PA 19044, Email: rfs270@aol.com.

Mr. Schriftman submitted this letter to Attorney General Josh Shapiro on line through his website on April 13, 2020.

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