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Sodom On The Hudson

Sodom On The Hudson

Thursday, December 19, 2019 Abortion Child Abuse Jewish Pro-Life

That is how little Assembly Harvey Epstein cares about babies who routinely have their arms and legs ripped off during abortion procedures.

Assemblyman Harvey Epstein, who represents the Eastside of New York including the Lower East Side, the East Village, Kips Bay and Murray Hill (fairly wealthy neighborhoods with a smattering of poverty) wants you to know that he really cares about “the children” – except when they are preborn. He believes that if you care about babies in the womb, whom he references as mere “fetuses” or clumps of cells, you are “manipulative and controlling” and not “really pro-life.” That is how little Assembly Harvey Epstein cares about babies who routinely have their arms and legs ripped off during abortion procedures. He is a “community organizer” and advocate for “social justice” – but not for the babies whom he fervently believes exist at the will of the mother as if they were property. He may love his own children but he has no problem if you do not love yours.

Epstein is the sponsor of a bill numbered 8743 which would mandate that taxpayers be on the hook for the dangerous abortion drug to be made free in publicly funded universities. This dangerous drug – which has killed several young women - was first developed by the Nazis. The Nazis had no love for Jewish women or their children and the assemblyman does not care very much for the preborn either. He cares about the convenience of abortion and would not want a woman to have to travel off campus or miss a day of classes so that she can easily abort in the intimacy and quiet of her dorm room! It would never occur to Epstein, who throws out the usual pro-abortion clichés about “her body”, that the baby (or fetus) has a body too and that a better bill would be one that would help provide daycare for college students with babies so that they can continue their studies. Epstein is why New York City is descending into chaos and a general lack of respect for women and children. A man who believes that a baby is not worthy of life will not care very much about the ill or the elderly. They are all expendable - as is his career if people in New York City would wake up to his callous and cavalier attitude.

 Alice Lemos

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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