המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Sonnet for a Babe in the Womb

Sonnet for a Babe in the Womb

Thursday, August 17, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life

Our friend, Don Belding, OBM, evokes the mystical beginnings of life in the womb.

A babe within her mother’s womb abides,

And grows some more each day by day in peace.

Her wat’ry world  enough wherein now resides

With but nine-month limit of her lease.

When first conceived the plan in whole is drawn;

From hair to toes the first few cells will come

To grow what lies between in life’s fresh dawn:

A link from distant past to will become.

But now must leave this small warm room,

To go to larger realms and venture forth.

As G-d has knit her on this inward loom,

To live her part and show a human’s worth.

Three quatrains and a couplet ne’er can give

The wonders that a person’s life may live.

Don Belding, OBM, talented poet and blogger

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
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Sewickley, PA 15143

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