המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Stop Shedding Innocent Blood....or Else!

Stop Shedding Innocent Blood....or Else!

Today, Mankind Seems To Also Be Willfully Participating In Yet Another Major Rebellion Against Hashem's Will, That Of Condoning And Even Encouraging The Widespread Sin Of Abortions.

f There Were Just Two Over-Riding Lessons which Pervade The Bible, it is that Hashem Loves Mankind So Much That He Prepared A Beautiful World, Like A 'Set Banquet Table' Ready To Provide All Of Mankind's Needs With Bountiful Sustenance. 

Sometimes However, Mankind Is Unappreciative Of These Gifts And Sins Against Hashem By Disobeying His Will. Hashem Sometimes Gets Upset With Mankind And Thereby Punishes Them 'Measure-For-Measure' For Their Most Eggregious Sins. 

Some Examples Of These Extremely Serious 'Measure-For-Measure' Punishments, Each of Which Correspond To A Specific Wrong Which Mankind Committed, Include: The Punishment Of Adam and Eve, The Punishment of Cain, The Punishment At The Tower Of Babel, The Punishment Of Joseph's Brothers, The Punishment Of The Ten Plagues [Especially The Killing Of All The First Born Egyptians], The Revulsion The Jews Experienced From Eating Too Much Quail When They Ungratefully Complained About Not Having Enough Meat To Eat Just Right After Experiencing First Hand Themselves All The Miracles Of The Exodus, the Destruction of Sodom and Gemorrah as well the most severe punishment of all those mentioned in the Bible... The Flood Of Noah!!!!!

Today, Mankind Seems To Also Be Willfully Participating In Yet Another Major Rebellion Against Hashem's Will, That Of Condoning And Even Encouraging The Widespread Sin Of Abortions. 

Could Mankind's Current Suffering Which Is Resulting From The Worldwide Covid Pandemic As Well As The Outbreak Of A Major War In Ukraine, Possibly Be The Result Of Mankind Upsetting Hashem Due To Their Encouraging Unnecessary And Therefore Sinful Abortions?           

Maybe Let's Not Run The Risk Of Waiting Until Later In Order To Then Look Back And Try To Decide If There Really Was A Connection. Many Believe That There Is A Connection. Regardless How Each Person Decides For Themselves, Our Leaders If They Are Courageous Enough, Should Loudly Proclaim That Unnecessary Abortions Are Not Only A Genocidal Sin Against Humanity, But Clearly Against Hashem's Will For Mankind...

Let's just hope that the World hasn't even come close to crossing those same red lines with the rebellious practice of Unnecessary Elective Abortions.

It may be that even if JPLF is left all by itself alone to try to Appeal to The Jewish People to Immediately STOP as many of their Unnecessary Elective Abortions as possible, JPLF has must continue Standing In The Breach to help prevent yet another Calamitous Biblical Type Punishment And Catastrophe from Happening (Ch"V).

May Moshiach Please Come Speedily In Our Days...

Submitted by Kavshiel, The angel who conquers evil.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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