המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Sub-Human or Parasite?

Sub-Human or Parasite?

Jews who justify destruction of unborn innocent human beings by redefining the child in the womb as something other than human echo the propaganda of the past when the sub-humans and parasites in question were Jews in their shops, homes, synagogues, and yes, in their mothers' wombs.

In the past month, I've been told that the presence of arms and legs in the womb isn't an indication of human life. and that a baby in the womb is nothing more than a parasite. These characterizations rob unborn children of their humanity, their dignity, and their divinely created reason for existing. Intelligent, educated Jewish women have conveyed these ideas to me, indicating the need for a profound change in outlook among our best and brightest. 

Jews who justify destruction of unborn innocent human beings by redefining the child in the womb as something other than human echo the propaganda of the past when the sub-humans and parasites in question were Jews in their shops, homes, synagogues, and yes, in their mothers' wombs. 

We have a major problem when anti-semites see Jews outside the womb in the same way as many Jews see Jews in the womb - as sub-human and parasites. Slides # 71 & 72  from our power point show this quite clearly: 


Jews are “sub-human” “The sub-human, that biologically seemingly complete creation of nature with hands, feet and a kind of brain, with eyes and mouth, is nevertheless a completely different, dreadful creature. He is only a rough copy of a human being, with human-like facial traits but nonetheless morally and mentally lower than an animal… For all that bear a human face are not equal." (Pamphlet published by the Race Settlement Main Office, Germany, 1942)


Unborn babies are “sub-human” “Fetuses, especially those as old as five or six months, elicit our sympathy… because they look disconcertingly like people… But, this sympathy is misplaced… While [it] may, perhaps, possess some flickering of sensation, or some capacity to feel pain, this is equally true… of creatures like fish or insects… a proper respect for the right to life requires that it not be respected where it does not exist.” (Commentary on “Can The Fetus Be An Organ Farm?”)                               THEN

In 1936, The German Supreme Court refused to recognize Jews living in Germany as legal “persons”. From that point on they had no rights or protection under the German Constitution. Shortly thereafter the Nazis began their “final Solution” – putting over 6,000,000 Jews to death.

Jews are “parasites” “The Jew was always only a parasite in the body of other peoples.” (Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, p. 419.)                       


In 1973, The U.S. Supreme Court in its Roe v. Wade decision ruled that unborn babies are not legal “persons”. From that point on they had no rights or protection under the US Constitution. Since that decision, over 60,000,000 babies have been put to death by abortion in this country.

Unborn babies are “parasites” “A woman would have the right to abortion just as she has a right to remove any parasitic growth from her body.” (Gloria Steinman, author and feminist leader, on CNN, Sept. 9, 1981.)

This insidious eugenics philosophy is now well established in the Jewish culture, leading to the deaths of thousands of Jews who reside in the womb. Jews who subscribe to this view out of compassion for women or to exercise their civil rights, would benefit from understanding the long term goals of eugenics, one of which is to wipe out Jewish life on Earth. 

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.  

To read more comparisons visit https://www.abortionfacts.com/literature/abortion-the-hidden-holocaust 

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