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The Multi Front Attack on Life In and Beyond the Womb

The Multi Front Attack on Life In and Beyond the Womb

The Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, SB669, allowing the murder of a live baby up to 28 days after its birth. California and other States have similar bills before their legislatures. Why are the self labeled progressives reverting to the infanticide practices of ancient Greece and Rome?

Well, we now have a Supreme Court Justice who is so well educated she cannot (will not?) define “woman.”  She – at least appears to be a ‘she’ – though perhaps we are not to believe our lying (?) eyes.  She is also so wise (?) she does not know when life begins.  Justice Jackson is so qualified that she does not like to seriously punish criminals involved with child pornography. 

This writer is not an attorney, but I am aware that women have some special protections under the Constitution and certain laws as well as Federal and State regulations.  How can any judge or justice rule on cases involving these seemingly undefinable women, preborn  persons who, according to this justice, may or may not be alive, or whether children should have their innocence be protected by severely punishing those who use them in pornographic ways?? 

This and other “woke,” aka progressive, approaches seem to me to be of a piece with the pro-abortion-anti birth movement.  New York has passed and the previous governor signed legislation allowing the killing of a baby up to the moment of birth.  Maryland (a State named for a certain woman very important to Christian history!) is considering a bill, the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022,  SB669, allowing the murder of a live baby up to 28 days after its birth.  California  and other States have similar bills before their legislatures.  Why are the self labeled progressives reverting to the infanticide practices of ancient Greece and Rome?  How far will they go?  If 28 days is acceptable, why not six months, or a year, or why any limit?  Is there any intrinsic limiting principle?  The “perinatal” child does not have any legal protections under such legislation as proposed in Maryland and California.  Such a child seems to be regarded more as a piece of property to be disposed of at will with no more consideration than a chipped teacup. 

We are assured by them that not only is there no difference between the seemingly undefinable women and men, but that men can menstruate and even have babies!  Is that a difference?  And how does this work?  There is a major problem with this if the “trans” persons are really all in on this; the hormones and other medications used in the “transition” process tend to permanently sterilize the persons subjected to this abuse. The surgical procedures destroy the organs needed for actual reproduction, replacing them with nonfunctional imitations. The formerly evil "Big Pharma" stands to make millions on these untested medications and other treatments. The phrase "follow the money" was quite popular once upon a time -- does Watergate still ring a bell? 

We do not allow children to sign binding contracts, but the anti-birth pro-transing advocates say even young children should be able to make decisions that, due to the medications used, will be absolutely binding on them for life. The medications not only sterilize them but also can lead to serious side effects such as early osteoporosis. 

Not too far removed from this is the increasing number of “experts,” such as Bill Gates, calling for a reduction of the world’s population.  We have been hearing this for centuries, since Thomas Malthus tried to scare his generation with the prospect of impending mass death from famine.  He theorized that the world could not produce enough food for its geometrically  increasing population and food production that was, he claimed, only increasing arithmetically.  His dire predictions have not come even close to reality any more than those of Paul Urlich, author of the infamous book Population Bomb, which turned out to be a complete dud.   

Is it not indicative of the falseness of their allegations that it is only the population of us ‘commoners’ that should be reduced; they, however, do not volunteer as exemplars to go first showing the way. 

Gentle readers, this writer contends that all of the above are really of a piece:  abortion, confusion over sex/gender, neutering/sterilization through “transing,” and population reduction are each and all particular parts of a broad-based anti-human movement that is the outcome of an absolutely secular approach to “life, the universe, and everything.”  (With a nod to the late Douglas Adams.). Some of their advocates may quote isolated parts of the Bible, but they totally miss the pro-life and pro-humanity message of the Bible taken as a whole. 

-------Don Belding

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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