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The Real Threat To Minorities is Abortion

The Real Threat To Minorities is Abortion

64 million innocent children in the United States have died from abortion since 1973 - including 15.5 million Blacks

To Mike Goebel, Editor of The News-Gazette, Champaign, Illinois.

On Monday May 21, 2018, the News Gazette published a Letter to the Editor entitled, ‘Trump’s remark was offensive.’

The author, Ben Leroy, identified himself as a Jewish man who was offended by President Trump’s description of MS-13 gang members as animals because, as a Jew, Mr. Leroy feels his life is endangered should members of minorities be called animals and exterminated, referencing Hitler’s dehumanization of the Jews in Germany.

God forbid, Mr Leroy has a deadly encounter with MS-13, and learn too late that the President’s remark was accurate.

On the other hand, Hitler’s completely false propaganda campaign, in which he called undesirables animals, parasites, and garbage, was used to gain popular support for the dehumanization of Jews, the disabled, and any other group whose genetics didn’t pass muster with his Utopian dream of Aryan purity. 

If righteous leaders of the free world had denounced Hitler’s killing machine and condemned the Nazi party’s systematic torture and murder of innocents, perhaps fewer minorities would have lost their lives in the Holocaust. Instead, presidents and prime ministers remained above the fray, refusing to bomb train tracks leading to Auschwitz, and turning away ships filled with Jews fleeing genocide to face extermination in the gas chambers back home.

In the name of racial purity, Hitler legally killed 270,000 mentally and physically handicapped persons, 6 million Jews, 3 million Catholics, 500,000 Gypsies, 3.3 million Soviet POW’s, 2 million Non-Jewish Poles, 5,000 - 15,000 Homosexuals, and 2,500 - 5,000 Jehovah's Witnesses.

President Trump welcomes legal immigrants of all backgrounds, using his office to safeguard the lives of millions of Americans of all faiths and ethnicities from the ravages of gang members illegally in America only to rape, torture and murder innocent citizens. 

Abortion advocates work tirelessly to maintain legal abortion from conception to birth, referring to unborn children as inhuman, not alive, growths, blobs of tissue, contents of the uterus, products of conception, parasites, research material, and garbage. Refusing to acknowledge the indisputable scientific fact that unborn children are human beings and alive, 64 million innocent children in the United States have died from abortion since 1973 - including 15.5 million Blacks, 780,000 Jews, and a disproportionate number of Hispanics and other minorities. These children were starved, poisoned, burned, dismembered, and partially born then murdered by cranial puncturing - all without anesthesia - and many were born alive and left to die. 

Mr. Leroy, that this has happened in America and continues today, is extremely offensive, a human rights injustice of immense magnitude, and the real threat to the lives of millions of minorities.

Cecily Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen.

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