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Why & How Jews Can Help Stop The Abortion Holocaust

Why & How Jews Can Help Stop The Abortion Holocaust

With this ghastly record behind us, we need to do all we can to redeem ourselves.

Why should Jews help stop the abortion holocaust in America? Because we helped start it. In fact, Jews were the driving force behind legal abortion in America. Listed below are some of these activists.

Fania Mindell, co-founded America’s first birth control clinic with Margaret Sanger in 1916.

Four of the original organizers of the National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL) founded 1969: Bernard Nathanson. OBGYN. Later, became pro- life and Catholic. Lawrence Lader. Margaret Sanger biographer, author of Abortion,(used as reference for Roe Wade legal arguments). Ruth Proskauer Smith. In the 1940s, she worked for the Massachusetts chapter of Planned Parenthood. Betty Friedan. Activist, author of The Feminine Mystique and first president of NOW. 

Alan Guttmacher, OBGYN. Past President of Planned Parenthood. Vice-president of the American Eugenics Society. Founded the American Association of Planned Parenthood Physicians, now known as the Association of Reproductive Health Professionals, Founded the Association for the Study of Abortion in 1964. Member of the Association for Voluntary Sterilization.

Joyce Antler, The sole woman on the executive staff of New York City’s Health Services Administration (HSA). She fought hard to convince the HSA and the mayor to legalize abortion, which they did in 1970.

Dr. Christopher Tietze, He received the award of the Reproductive Freedom Coalition in 1979, and  the Margaret Sanger Award from the Planned Parenthood Federation in 1973. He was a member of the Governor's Commission to Study Abortion in New York State in 1968 and of seven World Health Organization groups concerned with human reproduction. 

Gloria Steinem, Radical feminist, Founded Voters For Choice(1979). “Lack of ready access to abortion is the primary cause of global warming”, said in a May 2017 Interview.

Dr. Etienne-Emile Baulieu, Inventor of the RU-486 abortion pill, was born in 1926 to a physician named Leon Blum. He changed his name in 1942 to escape the Nazi's Zyklon-B gas, manufactured by the same company he works for today, Roussel-Uclaf. Ru-486 now accounts for almost 40% of all abortionsDr. Daniel Grossman pushes RU-486 us for the abortion industry, despite significant health risks associated with it.

Jewish member organizations of the Religious Coaltion for Reproductive Rights include: American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League, Central Conference of American Rabbis, National Council of Jewish Women, Hadassah Women, Federation of Reconstructionist Congregations, Jewish Labor Committee, Jewish Women's Caucus, Union of American Hebrew Congregations, B'nai B'rith Women, Na'amat USA, National Council of Jewish Women, National Federation of Temple Sisterhood, New Jewish Agenda, North American Temple Youth, Rabbinical Assembly of Conservative Rabbis, Society of Humanistic Judaism, United Synagogues of America, United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, Women's League for Conservative Judaism, Women's Rabbinical Council.

This overwhelming Jewish support has helped us get to passage of the New York Reproductive Health Act. This legislation legalizes late term abortion with no criminal culpability for killing babies, killing women via malpractice, insurance fraud, selling baby parts, or substandard clinic conditions and practices. 

With this ghastly record behind us, we need to do all we can to redeem ourselves. We can help stop the killing of innocent children, and the destruction of maternal well being, fatherhood, and family life. We can find favor with HaShem and embark on personal and cultural Teshuvah by speaking out publicly against this gruesome, destructive injustice. Here are a few actions you can take: Invite us to speak in your shul, Utilize our Power Point in educational forums. Have our literature available. Help an abortion minded Jewish woman save her child by putting her in touch with us for referrals to Jewish pregnancy care or a loving adoptive Jewish home. We have a list of these waiting to receive this precious gift. Please sign these two petitions: STOP INFANTICIDE PETITION  and OVERTURN THE RHA ACT

Redemption beckons us. Heed the call!

Cecily  Routman

May there be abundant peace from Heaven, and good life upon us and upon all Israel. Amen. 

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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