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YU President Berman: Cancel Abortion Rights Event on 1/28/22
The multi-billion dollar abortion industry profits from the sacrifice of human capital. This is, of course morally wrong in Judaism, which was the first religion in human history to ban child sacrifice.
Rabbi Dr. Ari Berman President of Yeshiva University 500 West 185th Street New York, NY 10033
Social: Twitter @AriBermanYUEmail: president@yu.edu
Dear Rabbi Berman,
I’m reaching out to you about the online event scheduled for Friday, January 28, 2022 organized by the Wurzweiler School of Social Work entitled, Reproductive Health, Rights, and Advocacy: A Social Work Response to Diminished Access to Services. This event poses serious moral, ethical, and human rights concerns that need to be understood and addressed by your office. Yeshiva University’s commendable mission of advancing human knowledge and ethics within a diverse modern orthodoxy cannot be achieved by condoning programming that directly targets innocent Jewish children for death in the womb. Rather than endorsing abortion rights activism by students at the School of Social Work, your commitment to advancing women’s roles in Judaism can better be achieved by learning exactly how ‘reproductive rights’ is an existential threat to the health and well-being of Jewish women, Judaism’s future, and Yeshiva University. In this letter we hope to provide you with a comprehensive overview of the reality of abortion as it is practiced in Jewish society today so that you can make a well grounded argument for canceling the event or insisting it be moved from your cherished institution.
Jewish men and women raised in the pro-abortion culture are conditioned from an early age to believe that elective abortion as birth control solves the problems resulting from unplanned pregnancy, unwanted and abused children, social ills and financial challenges, professional inequities, gestational anomalies, and sexual and physical assault. This view sees the ‘right to choose’ abortion as a civil liberty, necessary health care, good for women, a religious right and a Jewish value. On it’s surface, this view seems worthy of consideration, but its premise rests on lies cleverly structured and presented using successful propaganda techniques honed by anti-semites whose goal of eradicating Jewish life is perpetuated by social work schools captured by modern day eugenists. The Wurzweiler School is no exception. Graduates join the ranks of Jewish abortion promoters leading the fight for unlimited, tax payer funded, legal abortion here and in Israel. Clueless puppets of a deliberately biased education, they matriculate convinced that abortion advocacy helps women and reforms a patriarchal Jewish world view while the general public sees only Jewish baby killers in the modern age. This is shameful, embarrassing and dangerous.
Rabbi Berman, I’m sure you know that in Judaism abortion is judged to be the unwarranted taking of a life within a life. It is prohibited, just as murder is prohibited. Originally, our rabbinic tradition correctly found one exception to the prohibition - that of breech birth which, if not remedied, would kill both mother and child. The Halakhic requirement to save the mother’s life by taking the child’s life was restricted to this grave imminent danger, and currently it is reflected in every pro-life law. Today, less than 1% of pregnancies requires abortion to save the life of the mother. Lifesaving neonatal medical care saves both mother and child. The Jewish propensity to expand the limits of this exception all the way to birthday abortion disregards the human life that hangs in the balance - an innocent human life, created in the Image of our Creator to manifest the will of God in thought, word, and deed.
We’ve been taught that “It’s not alive until It’s born”, a corrupted, misleading reference to ancient rabbinical opinion on the status of the unborn. This is 2022, the age of sophisticated ultrasound that instantly verifies the humanity of the child in the mother’s womb. Now, science proves that human life begins at conception. We know without a doubt that abortion kills an innocent living human being. Judaism prohibits killing an innocent person. Therefore, in Judaism elective abortion is wrong.
Judaism emphasizes the sanctity of human life from conception to natural death, making it incumbent upon Jews to find alternative life saving ways to deal with unplanned and unwanted pregnancy. Adoption and single parenthood are much better choices for Jews than the intentional killing of an innocent life. Indeed, Judaism insists that a Jew break all the Sabbath rules to save the life of an unborn baby. Judaism prohibits desecrating the human body, but abortion destroys a human body. Babies are incinerated as medical waste or exploited for unethical scientific research experiments with little prospect of successful application.
The multi-billion dollar abortion industry profits from the sacrifice of human capital. This is, of course morally wrong in Judaism, which was the first religion in human history to ban child sacrifice. Our legal tradition goes to great lengths to provide rules of business conduct that are moral and just. Jewish citizens who value life ought not be compelled to finance this morally corrupt industry by tax payer funding of abortion. Through federal funding, we already provide financial support for abortion training in medical schools and NIH funding of gruesome medical experiments using baby parts dissected from living late term aborted babies.
Jews have a keen sense of social injustice and speak out against it without reservation. Our community goes to great lengths to protect the life of a convicted murderer, paying for decades of food, housing, education and expensive legal appeals in the small chance this person may be wrongly accused. Yet, our innocent unborn children have no comparable advocate; instead, the majority Jewish community actively supports killing them for any reason with no second opinion or legal defense required. Millions of baby girls are aborted every year as Jewish social workers remain silent. It’s time we have sympathy for the child in the womb, whose intrinsic value, dignity, humanity and right to life go unexpressed or completely abrogated by corrupt legal decisions that mimic these same human rights violations that Jews experienced in Nazi Germany.
Judaism demands a high level of compassion and mercy for the vulnerable and defenseless. No other demographic is as vulnerable as the defenseless child in the womb. No compassion is shown for the millions of babies who are starved, poisoned, burned, dismembered, and whose skull is punctured and crushed after partial delivery, or born alive for organ harvesting - all done without pain medication and all for profit. The abortion business shelters sexual predators and sex traffickers, and routinely lies to women and exploits them. Abortionists are exempt from following their patients at hospitals in the case of medical and surgical errors, Easy access to the chemical abortion pill RU-486 increases life threatening risks to women and teens. Originally manufactured by a subsidiary of IG Farben, the chemical company that manufactured Zyklon B used to eradicate Jewish ‘parasites’ at Auschwitz, RU-486 is now the favored method of killing ‘parasites’ in the womb - at a huge profit for abortion providers with no accountability for medical malpractice or malfeasance.
Many Jews condone and support abortion because they have sympathy for the plight of a woman who faces problems because of unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. These sympathetic friends unfortunately decline responsibility to provide financial and emotional support and pregnancy care services which would be far more helpful than to provide an abortion that harms her, destroys her child, and rarely solves her concurrent problems. Women who complete their pregnancies have far better outcomes than those who terminate a pregnancy. Abortion puts women at risk for breast cancer and infertility, and leaves a legacy of emotional, mental, and spiritual suffering.
Abortion in America and in Israel is now a primary form of birth control. It is not rare nor safe. It’s estimated that 769 Israeli children die from painful abortion every week leading to 40,000 Jewish abortions in Israel each year. 2 million Jewish children in Israel have died from abortion since 1948. In the United States, it’s estimated that 338 Jewish children die from painful abortion every week, leading to 17,622 Jewish abortions in the United States every year and 845,846 since 1973.
In the Zohar, our mystical sages warn us of disturbing human unborn life, “For there are three [persons] who drive away the Shekkinah (indwelling of God ) from the world, making it impossible for the Holy One, Blessed be He, to fix His abode in the universe and causing prayer to be unanswered.....{The third is} he who causes the fetus to be destroyed in the womb, for he destroys the artifice of the Holy One, blessed be He, and His workmanship…… For these abominations the Spirit of Holiness weeps.”
Rabbi Berman, your primary responsibility is to equip your graduates with the essential knowledge, intellectual ability, and moral integrity to build happy, successful lives that promote Jewish culture and society. This important obligation cannot be met without giving your students the information provided to you in this letter. You must make sure they are not misguided into making irreparable choices with ruinous consequences. Abortion loss, injury, and regret last a lifetime. Women never forget the child they never knew. Fathers never enjoy the responsibility and joy of parenthood. Jewish couples waiting to adopt remain unnecessarily childless. You will bear the guilt of countless broken hearts and ruined lives if you let this event proceed.
Additionally, you will put YU’s future at risk by losing the Almighty’s favor. God loves each and every one of His children. Imagine the dismay and disappoint in Heaven if you allow baby killing curriculum, or fail to require life-affirming views that guarantee a thriving Jewish future. Faithful alumni, upon whose generosity the University depends, will deem this lapse of judgement on your part serious enough to withhold financial support.
Rabbi Berman, we invite you to begin a dialogue with us today about this serious breach of Jewish ethics scheduled on January 28th. Please contact us for a confidential discussion, and may HaShem grant you great wisdom as you journey towards His light.
Cecily Routman
President Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
Webpage Link to Wurzweiler School of Social Work event, Reproductive Health, Rights, and Advocacy: A Social Work Response to Diminished Access to Services https://yeshiva.imodules.com/controls/email_marketing/view_in_browser.aspx?sid=1739&gid=10&sendId=3111959&ecatid=52&puid=e6bd6dbd-b4f7-4879-b705-47d2bcbc8421

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