המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Parshas Matot-Masei: Tribes and Journeys
Jewish culture today can be viewed as a leaky boat, whose oarsmen paddle vigorously to counter military and political currents that seek to overturn the vessel. At the same time a leak in the boat caused by abortion as acceptable birth control and rejection of God's moral guidelines for living in so many other areas drains the nation of demographic and spiritual strength.
Parshas Pinchas: Desperate Times Call For Desperate Measures
Modern Jewish culture faces great danger from external attacks as well as internal moral disintegration due to secularization bolstered by decades of misinterpreted Jewish law by many rabbis who claim false legal authority.
Parshas Chukat: Our Troubles are of Our Own Making
So many people are affected by abortion now because almost everyone has been in contact with someone who has had something to do with the little dead bodies of our unborn children.
What is Abortion and Why Allowances Don't Help
Abortion is the intentional torturing of a baby to death in the womb. The procedure hurts women and devastates men. Chemical abortion, now 63% of all abortion, is frightening, painful, and sends more women to ERs than other methods. Abortion increases the danger to women who suffer from emotional and psychiatric problems. It has been used as a method of genocide against Jews and Jewish practice of abortion continues to eliminate Jews.
Parshas Shlach: Better Safe Than Sorry
The order to destroy Jericho came after 400 years of chances to repent, which the city leaders declined. How long do we dare try the patience of the Almighty with child sacrifice and wickedness?
Parshas Behaalotecha: Dispel the Darkness with the Light of Love
"Not by military force and not by physical strength, but by My spirit,' says the Lord of Hosts."
Parsha Naso: An Elevated State of Being
We are assured of God's blessings of grace and peace when we raise our consciousness to Him and love and serve Him with our whole being.
Parshas Bamidbar: Every Life Counts
We know that each person is unique from day one of conception, and our psalms inform us that HaShem knows the destiny of each one of us from the moment He bestows the gift of life at conception.
Parshas Bechukotai: Blessings and Curses
More importantly are the profound sacrifices of reputation, family and peer approval or livelihood that may result as a consequence of taking actions that demonstrate God’s commandments to protect innocent human life from intentional slaughter.
Parshas Emor: Pure and Simple
Devoted faithfulness to God’s moral law in the midst of mayhem was quite a test for the newly freed Israelites. Some embraced it; some accepted parts of it, some rejected it entirely.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

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Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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