המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
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Statement on the Obligation to Choose Life 

In Judaism, every human life, born and unborn, has infinite value. The life of an unborn human being cannot be terminated except in rare extenuating circumstances when there is no other option to save the life of the mother. 

The media based debate is not addressing this from a true Torah perspective.

We oppose the deceitful framing of killing unborn children as a religious right and a Jewish value. Childbearing is a mitzvah and a privilege endowed to us by our blessed Creator. All men and women should fulfill this commandment, if possible.

No right to kill unborn children exists. Let abortion activists select a more truthful slogan, such as "The Right to Kill Unborn Children" which is not a right before Heaven, nor acceptable to the humane.

The way of the Torah is justice inseparably bound with mercy, charity, faithfulness and kindness. The way of the pro-abortion movement is injustice and cruelty to the defenseless child, and to the mothers who suffer physical, emotional and spiritual harm.

A person who fears G-d and faces a tragic life-threatening situation, in which the mother’s life is in immediate physical threat from the baby itself, will seek to learn the precise parameters that permit abortion under halachah. (Torah law). Judgments that recommend intentionally destroying human life at any gestational age when the mother’s life is not imperiled, do not meet strict Torah guidelines that prohibit shedding innocent blood. Opinions taken out of context that lead to misinterpretation of halachah condone acts of cruelty by right of whim. This is highly wrong, and a perversion of the intent of Torah law. We strongly object to this.

The Torah is explicitly clear. “This day, I call upon the heaven, and the earth as witnesses of you: I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. You shall choose life, so that you and your offspring will live…” (Deuteronomy 30:19).

“He who spills the blood of man within man shall have his blood spilled, for in the image of G-d, He made man. And you, be fruitful, and multiply; and increase upon the earth, and multiply therein.” (Genesis 9:6-7).

The Torah sages explain "the blood of man within man” refers to a growing unborn child in the womb of the mother. (Talmud Sanhedrin 57b). The severity of abortion in Torah is underscored by consequences for the abortionist ranging from death at the hands of Heaven to the death penalty in a court of law. (Meshech Chochma Exodus Vayakhel 35:2; Talmud Sanhedrin 57b; Rambam Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings and their Wars 9:4).

These Torah prohibitions apply both to Jews and non-Jews in all times and all places.

Let no one claim that they do not know.

Personal statement:

I join in signing this vital life-saving Torah message to the world, with additional emphasis on encouraging every human being to do their most to themselves bring more human beings into the world, and to support, encourage and assist others to do so, as a way of bringing more of the Divine Image into the world fulfilling the First Commandment and Blessing, to be Fruitful and Multiply and fill the earth with human beings. And, conclude with blessing that may G-d bless every woman who merits to conceive a child to have the strength and fortitude to bring that child to term in health, joy and prosperity.

A signature here does not constitute the signatory's endorsement of, or affiliation with, the organization and/or the other signatories.

To request your signature be added, please email me directly at cecily@jewishprolifefoundation.org


Rabbi Menashe Bovit, Queens, NY
Rabbi Yakov Cohen, Institute of Noahide Code UN NGO ECOSOC
Rebbetzin Elisheva H. Flink, M.D.
Rabbi Alan Betsalel Friedlander, Brooklyn, NY
Rabbi Yaakov Dovid Homnick, North Miami Beach, FL
Rabbi Yitzchak Kolakowski, Koblentzer Rebbe, Kauneonga Lake, NY
Rabbi Yehuda Levin
Rabbi Asher Meza, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov
Rabbi David Novak, Toronto, Canada
Rabbi Louis Shenker
Rabbi N. Smilowitz
Rabbi Yitzchok Dovid Smith, Passaic, NJ
Rabbi Chananya Weissman, Jerusalem, Israel
Dana Alexander, Chandler, AZ
Steve Baer, fmr President, United Republican Fund of Illinois
Don Belding, Kingman, AZ
RoseAnn Berlin
David L. Blatt, Chicago, IL
Shira Brody
Diane Butler
Michael Chapman, managing editor, CNSNews.com
Bonnie Chernin, Brooklyn, NY
Thomas Clyons, Trumbull CT
Joan Cowperthwaite, California USA
Atara and Dave Crown
Rebecca G. Duesterbeck, Richland Center, WI
Dina and Brian Fine, Long Island NY
Lily Fletcher
Liz Gabert Bedford, NH
Ruth Gray, FL
Sophie-Shifra Gold, WA
Pat Goltz
Penina Greenspan, Silver Spring, MD
Todd Jonathan Harman, White House, TN
Kim Hester, OR
John H. Hingson IV, Happy Valley, OR
Kimberly Hirsch, Buckingham, PA
Julie H. New York, NY
Selah Bat Sarah (Ellen Jones), Princeton, KY
Robby Jones, TX
Sue S. Jones
Dr. Rex Kochanski (Ph.D. Cell and Molecular Biology)
Timothy Klein
Noson Shmuel Leiter
Jenna M. Lepley
Alice Lemos, Phd., Queens, NY
Joseph Levin
Isaac Levy, Silver Spring, MD
Katherine A K Locke
Rebekah Lohnes
Judy Lutz, PA
Tom Maitlen
Tiffany Matthews, President, Miscarriage Moms For Life
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute
Yaakov Mosher, CN
Matthew Nash
P. Orloff, Hackensack, NJ
Ron Panzer
Eileen Peterson, Stony Point, NY
Esti Pinnick
Ana Pusar, Delray, FL
Chana Ravinsky
M Rayner, New Zealand
Cecily Routman, Pittsburgh, PA
Ross Schriftman, Casper, WY
Beth and Gene Schmuter
Meir Schrover, Israel
Sheila Segall
Monica Silber
Joshua Simer, Chaska, MN
Susan Singer, FL
Mary Spies
Jean Terry
Miriam Fischer Vidal, Summerfield, FL
Gary Zaetz Cary, NC

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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