המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎



The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation brings together Jewish people from all backgrounds and levels of observance who believe that human life in the womb is sacred and that, as Jews, we are commanded by HaShem to protect and defend these innocents. Jewish communities, from the most secular to the very religious, lack essential information necessary to understand and apply this way of thinking and acting. Abortion industry profiteers and enemies of the Jews have used our ignorance to manipulate us into believing that killing our pre-born children is acceptable in Judaism and has no moral consequence or negative effect. This false belief has resulted in hundreds of thousands to millions of Jewish lives destroyed and Jewish families and communities devastated by the legal practice of abortion, and the loss of generational integrity upon which our future depends. 

To remedy this human rights disaster targeted on Jews, we give Jews the information needed to repel our enemy’s propaganda and lies. This information includes references in Torah against child sacrifice, references in Tanakh to precious, sentient living human pre-born life, ethically sound reasons based in Jewish law to choose life instead of death for pregnancies before 40 days gestation, for abnormal prenatal test results, for rape and incest, financial hardship and emotional stress. For pregnancies that threaten the mother’s life, we provide information on outstanding medical interventions that save both the mother and baby from the dangers of abortion. Our educational resources also include factual medical information on at home chemical abortion and its reversal, and abortion methods and harms done to women, eye opening visual and detailed scientific literature about the growth and development of babies in the womb that shows their unmistakable life and humanity, and a comprehensive look at abortion industry practices and associations that violate all ethical and moral standards of business practice and criminal law.

We also refer to Jewish pregnancy care centers and encourage Jewish adoption and marriage to stabilize conditions that make parents vulnerable to abortion messaging, pressure and coercion. We host Tikvat Rachel, our Teshuvah based healing program for Jewish women and men who suffer after regretting their decision. Tikvat Rachel is open not only to women who have directly experienced abortion, but to all Jews with an abortion history, including fathers, grandparents and siblings of their lost loved one, and Jews who have been traumatized by working in the abortion industry. Telephone and email outreach are available for emergency support. The facilitated program is offered free of charge several times a year in our private zoom room. We are currently preparing a workbook for those who prefer a solitary treatment method.


We provide Jewish communities with pro-life education, support and healing through our website, digital marketing and social media, personal appearances, mailings, podcasting, email newsletters and online video programs. We invite you to help us build a dedicated Israeli based Jewish Pro-Life Foundation sister organization with its own board of governors and funding base, and a volunteer base of support who will bring our mission into all areas of Jewish life. Please join us!


We draw our inspiration and strength in the knowledge that Judaism was the first religion in human history to sanctify human life from conception and to prohibit child sacrifice. HaShem gave us a way of life founded on wholesome, life enhancing, family friendly principles that guaranteed health, happiness, and Jewish survival. In Judaism, life takes precedence over all other matters, and each Jew is responsible for protecting and defending innocent life, including life in the womb. This is especially urgent now amidst the ongoing attacks on Jews from outside enemies. Now our survival depends upon taking responsibility for saving every pre-born Jewish life from needless death.


Cecily Routman
Founder and President
Cecily founded the Jewish Pro-Life Foundation in 2006. A native of Pittsburgh, she was Bat Mitzvah at then conservative synagogue Beth Samuel Jewish Center and obtained her MSW from the University of Pittsburgh.
Contact Cecily at
Rabbi David Novak
Vice President 
Rabbi Novak is President of the Union for Traditional Judaism which he co-founded in 1983. Since 1997, Dr. Novak held the J. Richard and Dorothy Shiff Chair of Jewish Studies as Professor of Religion and Philosophy in the University of Toronto, where he is a member of University College and the Joint Centre for Bioethics.
Contact Rabbi Novak at
Yaakov Mosher
Yaakov spent the greater portion of his professional life analyzing financial statements. He was a business and economics writer/editor working for Bloomberg News and Dow Jones News Service among others. His final assignment in the media world was as business writer for the Norwich (CT) Bulletin. He has worked as a technical writer for General Dynamics Electric Boat Corp. since 2017. A native of Massachusetts, Yaakov lives in New London, CT. He graduated from Northeastern University in 1989, majoring in journalism with a minor in history. He has also studied nuclear science.
RoseAnn Berlin

Rabbi Menashe Bovit
Rabbi Menashe Bovit is the spiritual leader of Bellerose Jewish Center in Queens NY. He was born in Chicago into a traditional Conservative Jewish home. His father was a Holocaust survivor who frequently shared the stories of his suffering and survival during those dark days. While attending the University of Arizona Rabbi Bovit met the late, great Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach who eventually became his rebbe and later gave him his personal smicha (ordination). Rabbi Bovit also studied at Yeshiva University of Los Angeles; Yeshivat Ohr Yaacov in Zichron Yaacov, Israel; The Kollel of the Bostoner Rebbe in Jerusalem, and the ordination program of Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Jerusalem where he earned both a Bachelor and Master’s of Hebrew Letters. Rabbi Bovit also holds a certificate from the Ohr Lagolah Institute in Jerusalem and has been certified by the Supreme Court of the State of Florida as a Family Mediator.
Contact Rabbi Bovit at belleroserabbi@proton.me
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman ben Ya'akov
Rabbi Shlomo Nachman is the rabbi of Beit Emunah (beitemunah.org), a Sephardic-based online community of Jews, Noahides, and other seekers. He offers a wide range of online Jewish studies as well as Shabbat and holiday services. Rabbi Nachman is known for his patience, sensitivity, scholarship in world religions, and his dedication to traditional Jewish and biblical teachings. Contact Rabbi Nachman at
Bonnie Chernin
Bonnie Chernin has been actively involved in the pro-life movement since 1986. In the early 1990s, Bonnie volunteered at Manhattan Right to Life and began writing letters and op-ed articles for newspapers and political websites on the topic of abortion. In 1999, she started the pro-life website Jews For Life and launched The Jewish Life League in 2017. Bonnie believes that life, both born and unborn, is sacred and must be protected. Bonnie is an accomplished classical pianist and prolific writer. She is a Grief Recovery Method Specialist and a Certified Professional Coach assisting women in achieving their life and career goals. 
Alice Lemos
Alice has been a Jewish pro-life activist for many years. She has published pro-life articles for Human Life Review, Jews for Life and Conservative Women’s website/blog, and published articles on crisis in Administration for Children’s Services. Alice was a member of the board of Bridge to Life for ten years (a Queens crisis pregnancy center). She has participated in 40 Days for Life Campaign and has been interviewed by Currents tv regarding colleges distributing the morning after pill and on genetic engineering.Alice volunteered at Manhattan Right to Life and is a member of New York State Right to Life Committee.Alice is the proud Mother of a former marine, an ovarian cancer survivor, and an outspoken, articulate and spirited champion for the unborn!
Mary Margaret (Peggy) Baxter MS, RN-BC, Director
Peggy has been employed for over 45 years in various healthcare environments, including critical care, mental health, corrections, and military service. She is board certified in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing. In October 2015, she was commissioned as a Faith Community Nurse.
Bonelle Klinger MD
Dr. Bonelle Klinger grew up in the US and completed her medical training there as an adult and pediatric   anesthesiologist. She currently lives in Israel. Dr. Bonelle is interested in helping women bring children into this world. She is a strong proponent of informed decision making and providing women with the knowledge they need to make sound decisions.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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