המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


פרשת שמיני: בחרו חיים כשרים - בחרו בחיים
Friday, April 5, 2024
פרשת שמיני: בחרו חיים כשרים - בחרו בחיים
Parshas Shemini: Choose Kosher Living - Choose Life!
Judaism accounts for the long term process of human spiritual growth by offering forgiveness to any sincerely contrite person no matter when that change of heart and mind occurs.
 הפלות והשואה
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
הפלות והשואה
Abortion and the Holocaust
Wednesday, April 3, 2024 Abortion Holocaust Sanctity of Life
There are abortion survivors just like there are Holocaust survivors. What do they have in common? Both are people, both were marked for death, and both survived. What do you say to a person who survived an abortion—you should not be alive?
Parshas Tzav: The Divine Principle of Continuity
The physical and spiritual integration needed to keep our inner fire burning for a holy way of life pre-supposes the act of being conceived and born into this world.
פורים: הישרדות יהודית אז והיום
Sunday, March 24, 2024
פורים: הישרדות יהודית אז והיום
Purim: Jewish Survival Then and Now
Today, many Jews do not believe that we face existential threats woven together from the threads of generational, self-perpetuated abortion homicide and support of government policies biased against Jewish safety and security.
Parshas Pekudei: Creating a Dwelling Place for God
Every person's moral contribution is necessary to create and maintain a dwelling place for God on earth.
Parshas Vayakhel: The Preservation of Human Life on Shabbat
Pikuach Nefesh means that all life is special and belongs to God and that the preservation of human life overrides any other religious rule of Judaism, including Sabbath restrictions.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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