המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


Judaism = Pro-life
Monday, January 16, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
Tikkun olam does not occur in the Hebrew Bible. It is found in the Aleinu near the end of services: the actual phrase is ‘tiknae olam b’malchut Kel Shaddai,” to repair the world in the kingship of G-d Almighty. Unfortunately, the most important part of this, the sacred nature of the project, is omitted by many modern Jews.
Killing Babies is Anti-Jewish, Saving Babies is not Anti-Semitic
Rabbinic consensus in the Talmud interpreted "the blood of man within man” to be a growing human being in the womb of its mother. The penalty of having ‘his blood spilt’ is death by the hands of Heaven.
American U Alumnus Refutes Prof's Abortion Misinformation
Thursday, December 1, 2022 Abortion Pill Chemical Abortion Risk
Fifth, tele-med chemical abortions without proper diagnosis is malpractice. An ultra-sound, STD tests and complete review of a woman’s medical history and conditions will prevent serious injury or death.
Prophetic Warnings in the Wind
Jewish abortion poses an existential threat to the heart and soul of Judaism.
Respected Leaders Please Respect Life
No longer is it necessary to torture and destroy a human being in the womb to save a mother's life. Moreover, mothers and fathers do not want to bear a lifetime burden of guilt for allowing this inhumane act when life saving and ethical alternatives are available.
Challenge Abortion Support!
The corruption of traditional Judaism – which includes the corruption of and by female "rabbis", and even publications such as AISH and the Jewish Telegraphic Organization – has led to a watering down of Jewish teaching on the importance of having children and has turned the idea of Jewish mothers making extraordinary sacrifices for their children, on its head.
Adventure or Comfort?
Monday, August 8, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
Since modern medical/biological science has clearly demonstrated that the process of human life begins when sperm meets egg, the commandment to choose life begins with even the very small baby’s life.
Rabbi Chananya Weissman Teaches The Torah on Unborn Children
The baby-killers and their apologists seem to have missed this Rambam, which explicitly refers to an unborn child as a nefesh. Have we suddenly discovered a previously unknown dispute between Rashi and the Rambam? Of course not. The Torah's consistent position is that a fetus is alive and precious.
Abortion in the IDF: Making National Insecurity Great Again
From a strictly non-religious, pragmatic perspective, is it worth the cost for the Israeli military to be eliminating well over a thousand pre-born Jewish babies a year? If the premier role of any military is to protect innocent life, what argument could there possibly be to finance, enable or merely permit abortion...
Rabbi Silver, All Life Deserves Protection. Drop Your Lawsuit!
Thursday, June 23, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
As a Jew I am shocked to see how many supposed Jews support an imagined 'RIGHT' to abort pre-born babies.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
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Sewickley, PA 15143

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Tax ID 26-1438181.
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