המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


Sonnet for a Babe in the Womb
Thursday, August 17, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life
Our friend, Don Belding, OBM, evokes the mystical beginnings of life in the womb.
She is Waiting to be Born
Monday, June 26, 2023 Abortion Child Abuse
An ode to a baby in the womb whose mother entered the abortion clinic in Casper, Wyoming.
The Right to Life and Liberty Begin at Conception
Thursday, June 8, 2023 Abortion and Slavery
Just as the pro-slavery advocates claimed economic need for slavery to continue, pro-murdering advocates of unborn babies claim that abortion is an economic necessity for ‘minority’ women.
No Jew Left Behind
The Amalekite nature of the abortion policy in Israel is blatant, in the sense that even from secular perspective the rampant abortion undermines national security, by depriving the country of needed manpower, and raising demographic concerns.
Oh, My How Times Change!
Over three thousand years ago, G-d told us from Mt. Sinai not to murder anyone. All five books of the Torah include the death penalty for murder, and it is never approved in the remainder of the Tanach (Hebrew Bible).
Orthodox Rabbi Defends Unborn Babies in Public Hearing
"the road to Genocide is paved with deviant definitions."
Orthodox Jewish Leaders Ought to Defend Unborn Babies in Public
After decades of silence from observant Jews amidst relentless pro-abortion messaging in media and from pulpits and establishment Jewish organizations, the majority Jewish opinion is far removed from the normative Jewish legal position that destroying an innocent child in the womb is prohibited except in rare cases of imminent threats to the mother's physical life.
Just How Far Will They Go?
There is also a multi-million-dollar abortion-industrial complex. These people contribute money to politicians and have supportive friends in media and entertainment who make willfully killing babies seem somehow acceptable.
Jewish Pro-Life Replies to Jewish Pro-Abortion Claims
Our traditions teach us to use our abundant resources to help vulnerable women and children flourish, to actively rescue those who are targeted for death, to respect life as made in the image of the Creator, to promote family, community, and posterity.
Torah Teaches Life Begins in the Womb
Tuesday, January 31, 2023 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
Are they saying that the moment before birth, what is in the womb is not a baby that is alive? This defies reality.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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