המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


Parsha Ve'eira: A Study in Denial of Evidence
Denying this miracle supports delusional thinking that produces death and misery revealed as plagues suited to our time.
Parsha Shemot - Does Your Name Personify Good or Evil?
As God consciousness and a desire for rectification expand among the people of the world, child murder and its evil cousins will fade away, ushering in the radiant and good land promised to our enslaved ancestors in Egypt.
Cultivate moral clarity and apply it in the midst of evil.
Malevolent assaults on innocent human life surround us daily. At the delicate stages of early life, thousands of babies suffer torture and death in the womb. Children who make it out to the womb alive face monumental psychological, spiritual and medical health challenges due to harmful federal and state health and human welfare policies promoted as safe, effective and conscientious.
Abortion War Casualties
It has become acceptable in almost all places in the world to apply the ultimate banishment to these human beings, death in the womb without pain medication by poisoning, starving, dismembering, and lethal injecting. Allowing born alive infants to die after delivery or keeping them alive for organ harvesting now completes the list of torture.
Rachel's Late Term Travail in Parsha Vayishlach
Let us pause a moment to lament today's fatalities. the mothers who die from abortion and the babies whose lives are brutally ended by late term dismemberment and/or lethal injection, partial birth abortion, or kept alive for organ harvesting sales to the highest bidder
A Culture of Life Shines in the Darkness
Most fundamental of these truths is the God given right to life, which is why we continue to advance our efforts to protect the lives of innocent preborn human beings in a culture reminiscent of Jacob's time, when many people have little knowledge, interest, or appreciation of God's presence and the miraculous gift of life.
Christians/Jews Under Attack, Military Aid and the Right to Life
When a Torah based constitution replaces the secular state, Israel will recognize the God given right to life of our most innocent and vulnerable family members and neighbors.
Spiritual Solutions to Worldly Problems
While we continue to educate and advocate, we must actively seek God's intervention to remedy the evil in our world by appealing to our Creator to find favor with our prayers for individual repentance, and the repentance of America and Israel.
Warning to Ohio Vote NO on Issue 1. Your Life Depends on It!
God calls us to have such profound obedience to His will that we be willing to give up that which we hold most dear; however, He doesn't want us to sacrifice our children.
Reflections on Noach, War and Peace, Life and Death
This is a state of mind that recognizes universal unity with every person as a son or daughter of one Creator, that abhors murder and mayhem, and that feels and emanates respect for life and loving kindness towards all.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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