המוסד למען קדושת חיי אדם
We're Making the Original Pro-Life Religion Pro-Life Again! ✡︎


Halacha Is Not Pro-Choice
But to state that Halacha is “pro-choice” regarding abortion is the equivalent of claiming that Halacha is “pro-theft” or “pro-lying” concerning the Torah’s prohibition to steal and its requirement to be honest. There are legitimate exceptions to the rule; they are not the rule.
Pre-Birth Biblical Persons
Tuesday, June 14, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
Tanach sees that the baby is a person from conception on. We do not find even one account of an abortion in the Tanakh; barren women, indeed, prayed to have babies, and this was celebrated.
The Multi Front Attack on Life In and Beyond the Womb
The Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, SB669, allowing the murder of a live baby up to 28 days after its birth. California and other States have similar bills before their legislatures. Why are the self labeled progressives reverting to the infanticide practices of ancient Greece and Rome?
50 Days to Torah; 50 Years to End Roe
Tuesday, April 26, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah Roe v Wade
As With The Exodus There Were Some Who Didn't Want To Leave What They Preferred As The Evils Of Egypt, But In The End They Were Just Left Behind.
Kentucky’s legislation aligns with Jewish life affirming Torah
Relying on medieval texts to justify murdering children before birth - and after birth as abortion advocates increasingly demand - ignores modern scientific proof that confirms the actual living human status of the unborn child. Would Ms. Salamon dismiss outright modern treatment for disease in favor of ancient prescriptions such as bloodletting? Of course not.
Stop Shedding Innocent Blood....or Else!
Today, Mankind Seems To Also Be Willfully Participating In Yet Another Major Rebellion Against Hashem's Will, That Of Condoning And Even Encouraging The Widespread Sin Of Abortions.
Lessons Learned From The Wurzweiler Pro Choice Advocacy Event
Monday, February 7, 2022 Jewish Pro-Life Pro-Life Torah
Our Jewish Tradition Teaches Us That The Instruction Given To Us By The Torah Is Like A 'Tree Of Life', Where ALL Its' Paths Are Peace.
Pro-Life Torah Mishpatim
There is conclusive evidence that both Torah and Rabbinic halacha regarding the pre-birth child as fully human and subject to the same protections and respect as all other people
Pro-Life Torah Beshalach
Money, reputation, professional standing, political affiliation, and social position round out the myriad dependencies that have replaced a simple reliance on the God of our ancestors.
Pro-Life Torah Bo
We find ourselves once again seeking HaShem’s support and protection as we foster encouragement and consensus for liberation from dependencies on false gods and a culture of death and depravity.

Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
PO Box 292
Sewickley, PA 15143

The Jewish Pro-Life Foundation is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3)
Tax ID 26-1438181.
Read our current IRS classification as a public charity here.

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